Address: ISRO, S.A.C. Colony , Vastrapur, Ahmedabad - 380015
Locality: Vastrapur (Find more Vastrapur schools)
Landmark: Near Blind School
Phone: +91-79-26304694
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Upload it now!I have found Kendriya Vidyalaya when I was in 10th standard.I was going there for some school work with my school friends over there. Tell you what It is awesome school to work with. It's campus is extraordinary where you can enhance your sporting activities a lot. Thank You.
- by Amit Merchant on Jan 06, 2011teachers are not good to tech the student in this kv sac taechers having egoprobelmwith students &parents some parent s want to
take some techers doesnot have maners togive ans to the parents & principal sir are not saying to ther teacher. the taching std is very low in std for1to8std only 10 to12std are good because of old teacher is there. in std 1 to8 no teacher are good in this school I request to principal sir to take more good sept to improve the teaching of std 1 to 8 pl sir do something about the student of classfrom 1to 8 sir pl say to yours tachers do hard work with student of 1to8.
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