Address: #374 121th Cross, 5th Main , HIG Dollars Colony, RMV 2nd Stage , R.M.V. Extn. 2nd St., Bangalore - 560094
Locality: RMV Extension (Find more RMV Extension schools)
Landmark: Near M.S. Ramaiah Hospital
English Medium
Stronger the start, Greater the finish ... for every child
Kara's custom-designed methodology to early years' education and curriculum development; to ensure the grater the start the stronger the finish for every child.
Over the last fifteen years an extraordinary amount of scientific research has been conducted into how the human brain functions, especially during the early years; birth to five.
This convincing body of evidence confirms that children, even in the earliest months of their lives, have an amazing ability to absorb, process and apply new knowledge; to learn.
The same research also concludes that children who do not achieve a strong sense of individual identity or minimum social competences - ability to maintain relationships - by the age of 6 years, have a high probability of being at risk throughout life, to poor mental health, low achievement and poor employment history.
Extra-curricular Activities:
* Kinder Garten
* Kinder Tots
* Kinder Care
* Kinder Klasses
* Kinder Kamps
* Kinder Play
* Kinder Khana
* Kinder Special
* Kinder Bus
Additional Details:
Parents who leave their children away from home in the daily care of others share the same overriding concern. They need to know that the people they trust to care for their child are suitable, and can provide care that will keep them safe, healthy, happy and well occupied.
Office for Standards in Education, UK Government
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