Address: Road No: 71, BLOCK III , Jubilee Hills, Hyderabad - 500033
Locality: Jubilee Hills (Find more Jubilee Hills schools)
Phone: 040-23548584 040-23607797
Located in West Hyderabad, Jubilee Hills Public School was incorporated in 1986. It is a CBSE affiliated school which has a strength of 75 teachers 1894 pupils.
Year Established: 1986
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The school has all infrastructure but focuses mainly on extra curricular activities. Discipline is at the bottom. Prinicipal is very illogical, impractical and is always defending her stand. No listening skills at all at teachers , staff and principal level too. very rude.
Not a school to be recommended.
this is a very worest schools, the chairman Mr. Murali mukundam of Jubilee hills public school is having 2 families and he will not give any respect to teachers/parents/childs, and will behave very aragently.... he will not setlle the teachers salaries also, and the total management of the school is also very inefficient..... in nature.
This school is located in Jubilee school and is being headed by the people who are not having minumum sence of humour..... the school Principal and also academic director are selected from the dustbins, they are not having any knowledge about the schools..... the chairman murali lukundam is a week character in nature as he is handling 2 families and will misbehave with the teachers who are woking there......
Finally this school atmosphere was totally collapsed....... better to have an other option to join your child in the school or to join as a teacher in the school....
This school calls itself "Bound to Traditions" is a corporate house masquerading as a public school.
The website shows all pretty figures, but the real deal is there are 45-50 students per class, teachers are not well trained, Classrooms (especially pre-primary and primary) are not ventilated, and toilets are not to the standard to Win any award.
Preprimary had 24 kids in LKG and UKG suddenly blew upto 48 kids in class 1. My daughter now lacks that minimum attention she needs and schools responsibility is now dumped on parents. Thanks to their appetite of accepting more and more kids with the help of generous donations they get.
Please resist yourself from joining you kids, you can afford a decent international school at that price.
I have been in this school for over 10 years so please do not take my comment lightly.
Education : Education is only good in higher levels (9th-10th) where you actually get the good teachers. The other teachers as far as I know, in the lower levels just read off of the book. It's pathetic.
Languages : There are very few English teachers with proper and fluent English who teach well.
As for 2nd language and 3rd language there are only 3 options : Hindi, Telugu and Sanskrit.
(I had French as my 3rd language in 5th grade but the school removed it although it's there in the CBSE board.)
Infrastructure and Faculty : The school looks fine and the way it works is average. The faculty on the other hand, (and I don't say this lightly) Extremely narrow-minded. Especially the higher ups.
For example-
Boys and Girls can't be in the same dance (happened last year)
Boys and Girls sitting together and talking is also pretty badly viewed
A boy giving a girl a high-5 is also not viewed well.
Boys and Girls can't play sports together.
Moving on,
Other Issues : Cameras. Now I understand how it's important for many schools to keep cameras for safety purposes but How is it justified to install cameras in boy's bathrooms?
Yes, there are cameras in the boy's bathroom.
There are other useless things that the school forces upon students.
Prayer : I get it. But why is it Compulsory. Totally useless.
Walk in Lines : Ha I bet their inspiration was Auschwitz.
Lab Manual- "Observation book" students of class 9-10 are required to write the lab records again in another notebook. I find this useless. The excuse the school gives is that we use it as reference but we could do the same by getting printed/xeroxed material.
And you have to get it corrected and some teachers if you don't have a corrected observation they won't correct your lab manual. Overall review. Do Not join this school. It's not worth it and it could cost you and waste your time. Join a school that has at least an open minded faculty and proper teachers.
Although the school prescribes itself as "English Medium" it has in fact drifted away to being infested with people who regard themselves as the Telugu Equivalent to Shakespeare. I understand the rise in violent behaviour and acknowledge the steps taken, but in doing so they violate the personal space any school guarantees it's students. Is it really necessary for washrooms to have CCTV's?
The management tends to bring in a strict procedure of segregating people based on their gender. They are so conservative, that people of opposite genders can't be friends, nope , a girl has to be a girlfriend for a boy to be able to converse with her.
Please do keep a note as to how they have a shit student environment. Incase your child is bright and keen to actually study , I would suggest you to think twice before admitting your ward in this school keeping in mind , the aggravating high cost it requires through donation.
The teachers are so egoistic they would stick to publicly shaming and ridiculing you for correcting their mistake. They expect everyone to be the cows they worship. But I won't be surprised given that nobody actually bothered to speak out. There are certain constraints such as your hairstyle , your nails and the list can drag on till your height but of course that differs on the teacher in question.
Overall I'd be glad to say I became religious after I was spared the ridiculous environment this shithousery had in store for me.
Last but not the least , please do refer the review put up by Mr. Advaith , I believe his to factually correct and still relative. His review can be stated to be like the Hypocrisy existing in the School. Everlasting.
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