Computer Expert
Course offered by Harsha Jain
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5 out of 5 1 review
Gaurav Panwar
"She is a great teacher specially for those who wants to become a pro in languages (PHP, Java, Android, and many more) from the absolute beginner level. As she is a senior PHP & Android developer working in a company and part time she teach students, so that's the biggest advantage you got. As she knows the real practical challenges a coder is facing in day to day life and she customized the course accordingly. I am a UI designer and learned javascript & Jquery from her and as I have an absolute beginner so she, not only taught me JS (building my core logic) but also develop a coder mindset so that I ll be able to resolve future problems effectively. I highly recommend her. That if you are in Jaipur and wanna do proficiency in a language which will immediately boost your career so please take one demo class from her. "
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5 out of 5 1 review
Gaurav Panwar
"She is a great teacher specially for those who wants to become a pro in languages (PHP, Java, Android, and many more) from the absolute beginner level. As she is a senior PHP & Android developer working in a company and part time she teach students, so that's the biggest advantage you got. As she knows the real practical challenges a coder is facing in day to day life and she customized the course accordingly. I am a UI designer and learned javascript & Jquery from her and as I have an absolute beginner so she, not only taught me JS (building my core logic) but also develop a coder mindset so that I ll be able to resolve future problems effectively. I highly recommend her. That if you are in Jaipur and wanna do proficiency in a language which will immediately boost your career so please take one demo class from her. "
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