Puzzle: A Milkman has 2 Empty Jugs and milkSize of- Jug A is 3 Ltr and Jug B is 5 LtrHow can he measure exactly one liter without wasting any milk?Solution:Step 1: Fill Jug A with...
Puzzle: What will be the angle on 3:15pm??Solution:7.5 degrees.The hour hand moves around the clock every 12 hours,i.e. 360 degrees in 12 hours or can say 30 degrees per hour. The hour hand covered ¼...
Checking anything with certain requirements & other feasible conditions, if user’s requirement is fulfilled customer will be satisfied otherwise opt for other options. Ex: Purchasing new...
TestNG Concepts TestNG: TestNG is an automation framework to run the test cases, test suites and do parallel testing. It is an advanced version of Junit. It consists of many features like annotations,...
Puzzle:A man needs to cross a river in a canoe, with him, he has a bag of grain , a chicken and a fox . He can only carry one of three at a time. If he leaves the grain and the chicken , the chicken will...