Address: Gulshan Colony,Tolichowki, Hyderabad - 500008
Locality: Toli Chowki (Find more Toli Chowki schools)
Landmark: Seven Tombs
Phone: 65131600, 20030890
English Medium
It is an ICSE school of excellence under the Management of ISE Trust. Run by eminent educationalist.
School days: 222
School timings: 8.30 a.m. to 3.25. p.m
Principal: Mrs. Rumana Ahmed (B.Sc(APAU) Child Psychology, B.Ed., O.T.C. (Canada)
Management: Indian school of excellence Trust
Year Established: 1994
Extra-curricular Activities:
Basket Ball
Taik one do
Admission Details:
Form: Rs. 100
Rs. 5000 = 00 Admission (one time)
Rs. 2000 = 00 Caution Deposit (refundable amount)
Monthly fees: Rs. 450 (Nursery - UKG)
Rs. 500 (1 - 5)
Rs. 550 (6 - 8)
Rs. 600 (9 - 10)
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Upload it now!quality education with resonable fees. one of the best icse middle class school.....
fee structure for 2013 --indian school of excellence.
app form--100
caution deposit-3000
3 terms-per term-500
computer fee-500
miscellaneous fee--500
monthly fee
nursery-ukg ---550
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Ayesha Siddiqua 28/02/2013
i need admission for my children for class UKG & V .My husband was expired four years back i am a working women, is it possible to get any kind of discount in admission fee & as well as caution fee.Kindly acknowledge the mail.(Reference Annies teacher of your school)i am a neighbour of her & friend.
Syeda 16/07/2012
ramarao 17/02/2012
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