Mohd. Firasath  Ali MTech Tuition trainer in Hyderabad

Mohd. Firasath Ali

Over 4 years of Experience tutoring B.E./B.Tech and M.E./M.Tech in Mechanical and allied sujects.

Fatehdarwaza, Hyderabad, India - 500065.

1 Student

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Common to all Engineering field subjects like Engg. Maths 1, Maths 2, Maths 3, Mechanics, C language, Engg. Chemistry, Engg. Physics.

Mechanical Engineering subjects like Thermal engineering, design of machine members, theory of machines that the kinematics of machines and dynamics of machines, refrigeration and air conditioning, applied thermodynamics, engineering thermodynamics, operation research, project management, engineering drawing, production drawings, mechatronics, elective subjects like power plant engineering, automobile engineering, non-renewable resources, non-conventional machining process that is modern machining processes, aerospace engineering, autotronics, mining engineering, robotics and automation, CNC technology, hydraulic and pneumatic control system.

Apart from mechanical engineering subjects, the subjects of electrical engineering, electronics engineering, civil Engg., automobile engineering, computer science engineering interrelating with mechanical engineering. Some of them are Computer oriented numerical methods, Machine Learning, Data Science, VLSI, Power electrical drives, Industrial Electronics.

M.Tech in mechanical engineering all subjects i.e., Advance design and manufacturing, thermal engineering, CAD/CAM, production Engg., turbomachinery, automation and robotics, advance manufacturing system, mechatronics engineering etc.

Languages Spoken

Urdu Mother Tongue (Native)

English Proficient

Persian Basic

Hindi Basic

Telugu Basic

Arabic Basic


Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University 2021

Master of Engineering - Master of Technology (M.E./M.Tech.)


Fatehdarwaza, Hyderabad, India - 500065

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MTech Tuition

Class Location

Online (video chat via skype, google hangout etc)

Student's Home

Tutor's Home

Years of Experience in MTech Tuition


Experience in School or College

I have taught Physics at the 10th standard level.


Other Engineering topics, Industrial Engineering, Mechanical Engineering

Taught in School or College


BTech Tuition

Class Location

Online (video chat via skype, google hangout etc)

Student's Home

Tutor's Home

Years of Experience in BTech Tuition


BTech Mechanical subjects

Mechanics of Machines, Elasticity & Plasticity, Mechanical Behavior of Engineering Materials, Machine Tool Technology, CAD-CAM, Kinematics of Machinery, Fluid Mechanics, Heat Treatment of Metals and Alloys, Welding Technology, Thermodynamics, Automobile Engineering, Micro-Electromagnetic Systems(MEMS) and Nano Technology, Refrigeration & Air Conditioning Systems, Machine Design, Machine Dynamics and Vibrations/ Acoustics, Finite Element Analysis, Metrology, Mechanical Measurements and Instrumentation, Production and Operations Management, Mechatronics Engineering, Strength of Materials, Turbomachines, Engineering Drawing & Graphics, Intelligent Systems, Industrial Production/ Maintanence, Computational Fluid Dynamics, Fluid Drives and Control, Heat & Mass Transfer, Industrial Robotics, Product Design and Manufacturing, Manufacturing Technology, Operations Research, Material Science and Metallurgy, Non-Conventional Energy Sources/ Solar Energy, Dynamics of Machinery, Computer Integrated Manufacturing, Composites: Mechanics & Processing, Robotics: Mechanics Control and Programming, Design Engineering, Internal Combustion Engines and Emissions, Hydraulic and Pneumatic Control, Analysis and Design of Machine Components

BTech Branch

BTech Mechanical Engineering, BTech 1st Year Engineering, Industrial Engineering, BTech Mechantronics Engineering

Experience in School or College

I have taught Physics at the 10th standard level. And 1st Year Engineering subjects to B.Tech students all branches. Mechanical Engineering subjects all years.

Type of class

Regular Classes, Crash Course

Class strength catered to

Group Classes, One on one/ Private Tutions

BTech Mechantronics subjects

Strength of Materials, Production and Operations Management, Engineering Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer, Industrial Automation, Robotic Path Planning, Nanotechnology, Additive Manufacturing Technologies, Design of Mechanical Drives, Programmable Logic Controller, Micro Electro Mechanical Systems, Robot Dynamics and Control, Measurements and Instrumentation, Theory of Machines, Machine Tool Technology, Materials Science and Engineering, Mechatronic Systems Design, Design of Machine Elements, Manufacturing Technology, Machine Vision and Image Processing, Automobile Engineering, Mechanics of Robotic Systems, Micro- Manufacturing Systems, Electric Drives, Autotronics, Dynamics and Control of Mechatronics Systems

Taught in School or College


BTech 1st Year subjects

Environmental Studies, Basic Electrical Technology, Engineering Physics, Communication Skills, Engineering Chemistry, Mechanics Of Solids, Basic Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Graphics, Computer science, Basic Electronics, Engineering Mathematics (M1), Advanced Mathematics (M2)

Class 12 Tuition

Class Location

Online (video chat via skype, google hangout etc)

Student's Home

Tutor's Home

Years of Experience in Class 12 Tuition



State, CBSE

CBSE Subjects taught

Computer Science, Engineering Graphics, Business Studies, Physics, Mathematics, Chemistry, History, Political Science, English, Political Science

Experience in School or College

I have taught Physics, Mathematics at the 10th and 12th Standard level.

State board looking for

Andhra Pradesh State Board, Delhi State Board, Karnataka State Board

Taught in School or College


State Syllabus Subjects taught

History, Geography, Chemistry, Urdu, Physics, Mathematics, Engineering Graphics, Computer Science, Electronics, Statistics

Engineering Diploma Tuition

Class Location

Online (video chat via skype, google hangout etc)

Student's Home

Tutor's Home

Years of Experience in Engineering Diploma Tuition


Engineering Diploma Branch

Chemical Engineering Diploma, Electronics, Engineering Diploma 1st Year, Automobile Engineering Diploma, Production Engineering Diploma, Electrical Engineering Diploma, Mechanical Engineering Diploma

Production Engineering Diploma Subjects

Manufacturing Processes, Mechanical Engineering Materials, Advanced Manufacturing Processes, Mechanical Engineering Drawing, Heat Engineering, Electrical Technology, Machine Tool And Design, Applied Mathematics, Strength of Materials, Measurements And Control, Fundamentals of Electronics, Production Technology, Cnc Machines And Tooling, Automobile Manufacturing System, Fluid mechanics and machinery, Industrial Fluid Power, Production Processes, Metrology & Quality Control, Theory of Machines and Mechanisms, Tool Design, Computer Programming, Mechatronics, Plant Engineering

Engineering Diploma Subject

Basic Chemistry, Engineering Mathematics, Basic Workshop Practice, Workshop Practice, Computer Fundamentals, Workshop Drawing, Engineering Graphics, English, Applied Science ( Mechanical & Plastic ), Basic Physics, Engineering Mechanics, Basic Math

Mechanical Engineering Diploma Subject

CAD-CAM & Automation, Power Plant Engineering, Computer Programming, Industrial Project, Power Engineering, Advanced Manufacturing Processes, Design of Machine Elements, Industrial Fluid Power, Theory of Machines & Mechanisms, Fundamentals of Electronics, Mechanical Engineering Materials, Electrical Engineering, Refrigeration & AirConditioning, Metrology & Quality Control, Measurements & Control, Material Handling Systems, Production Technology, Mechanical Engineering Drawing, Automobile Engineering, Production Processes, Mechatronics, Fluid Mechanics and Machinery, Strength of Materials, Applied Mathematics, Manufacturing Technology, Alternate Energy Sources & Management, Tool Engineering, Thermal Engineering, Industrial Project & Entrepreneurship Development

Experience in School or College

I have taught Physics at the 10th standard level. ANd 1st year Engineering Subjects, Mechanical, Mechatronics, Production, industrial, Manufacturing Engineering subjects.

Automobile Engineering Diploma Subject

Hydraulics and Pnumatics, Industrial Projects, Heat Power Engineering, Basic Electrical and Electronics, CAD-CAM and Automation, Theory of Machines & Mechanisms, Mechanical Engineering Drawing, Materials and Manufacturing Process, Mechantronics, Applied Math, Strength of Materials

Chemical Engineering Diploma Subject

Mechanical Technologies, Heat Transfer Operation, Industrial Project and Entreprenureship Development, Mechanical and Production Engineering/ Production Technology, Industrial Project, Electrical Engineering and Electronics, Energy Management, Industrial Chemistry, Applied Mathematics, Mechanical Operation, Fluid Flow Operation

Type of class

Regular Classes, Crash Course

Class strength catered to

Group Classes, One on one/ Private Tutions

Taught in School or College


Electrical Engineering Diploma Subject

Electrical And Electronics Engineering Material, Instrumentation & Transducers, Control System Components, Renewable Energy Technology, Computer Aided Design, Electric Drives, Computer Programming, Electric Circuit Theory, Electronic Devices And Logic Circuit, Power System Operation And Maintenance, Electrical Machines, Basic Electronics


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1. Which classes do you teach?

I teach BTech Tuition, Class 12 Tuition, Engineering Diploma Tuition and MTech Tuition Classes.

2. Do you provide a demo class?

Yes, I provide a free demo class.

3. How many years of experience do you have?

I have been teaching for 3 years.

Answers by Mohd. Firasath Ali (4)

Answered on 05/07/2024 Learn CBSE/Class 11/Science/Chemistry

In organic chemistry, an electrocyclic reaction is a type of pericyclic rearrangement where the net result is one pi bond being converted into one sigma bond or vice versa. These reactions are usually categorized by the following criteria: Reactions can be either photochemical or thermal. ...more

In organic chemistry, an electrocyclic reaction is a type of pericyclic rearrangement where the net result is one pi bond being converted into one sigma bond or vice versa. These reactions are usually categorized by the following criteria: Reactions can be either photochemical or thermal.

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Answered on 11/09/2021 Learn Tuition

The Periodic Table comprises names, images, nuclear numbers, and a nuclear load of the component. The table is orchestrated in two habits: components inside every upward section are comparable or share something practically speaking are called Groups where components in a single period have an equivalent... ...more

The Periodic Table comprises names, images, nuclear numbers, and a nuclear load of the component. The table is orchestrated in two habits: components inside every upward section are comparable or share something practically speaking are called Groups where components in a single period have an equivalent number of electron shells structures.
Remembering the occasional table is significant because it is coordinated and gives a ton of data about components. Additionally, it causes understudies to see how components identify with each other. It is utilized to anticipate the properties of each component.

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Answered on 04/08/2021 Learn Tuition

"Principles of Electrical and Electronics by V K Mehta" is a nice book to learn every basic to the advanced concept of electronics engineering.
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Answered on 01/08/2021 Learn Tuition

For basic electronics, "Principles of electrical and electronics engineering" by V. K. Mehta is good. The author explains all basic electronics concepts from students' perspectives. He mingles electrical engineering with electronics in one book because there are things in electronics that require electrical... ...more

For basic electronics, "Principles of electrical and electronics engineering" by V. K. Mehta is good. The author explains all basic electronics concepts from students' perspectives. He mingles electrical engineering with electronics in one book because there are things in electronics that require electrical knowledge.
"Electronic Devices and Circuits" by Jacob Millman is also an excellent book by a foreign author.
You can learn a lot of electronics stuff in those books.

Answers 248 Comments
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MTech Tuition

Class Location

Online (video chat via skype, google hangout etc)

Student's Home

Tutor's Home

Years of Experience in MTech Tuition


Experience in School or College

I have taught Physics at the 10th standard level.


Other Engineering topics, Industrial Engineering, Mechanical Engineering

Taught in School or College


BTech Tuition

Class Location

Online (video chat via skype, google hangout etc)

Student's Home

Tutor's Home

Years of Experience in BTech Tuition


BTech Mechanical subjects

Mechanics of Machines, Elasticity & Plasticity, Mechanical Behavior of Engineering Materials, Machine Tool Technology, CAD-CAM, Kinematics of Machinery, Fluid Mechanics, Heat Treatment of Metals and Alloys, Welding Technology, Thermodynamics, Automobile Engineering, Micro-Electromagnetic Systems(MEMS) and Nano Technology, Refrigeration & Air Conditioning Systems, Machine Design, Machine Dynamics and Vibrations/ Acoustics, Finite Element Analysis, Metrology, Mechanical Measurements and Instrumentation, Production and Operations Management, Mechatronics Engineering, Strength of Materials, Turbomachines, Engineering Drawing & Graphics, Intelligent Systems, Industrial Production/ Maintanence, Computational Fluid Dynamics, Fluid Drives and Control, Heat & Mass Transfer, Industrial Robotics, Product Design and Manufacturing, Manufacturing Technology, Operations Research, Material Science and Metallurgy, Non-Conventional Energy Sources/ Solar Energy, Dynamics of Machinery, Computer Integrated Manufacturing, Composites: Mechanics & Processing, Robotics: Mechanics Control and Programming, Design Engineering, Internal Combustion Engines and Emissions, Hydraulic and Pneumatic Control, Analysis and Design of Machine Components

BTech Branch

BTech Mechanical Engineering, BTech 1st Year Engineering, Industrial Engineering, BTech Mechantronics Engineering

Experience in School or College

I have taught Physics at the 10th standard level. And 1st Year Engineering subjects to B.Tech students all branches. Mechanical Engineering subjects all years.

Type of class

Regular Classes, Crash Course

Class strength catered to

Group Classes, One on one/ Private Tutions

BTech Mechantronics subjects

Strength of Materials, Production and Operations Management, Engineering Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer, Industrial Automation, Robotic Path Planning, Nanotechnology, Additive Manufacturing Technologies, Design of Mechanical Drives, Programmable Logic Controller, Micro Electro Mechanical Systems, Robot Dynamics and Control, Measurements and Instrumentation, Theory of Machines, Machine Tool Technology, Materials Science and Engineering, Mechatronic Systems Design, Design of Machine Elements, Manufacturing Technology, Machine Vision and Image Processing, Automobile Engineering, Mechanics of Robotic Systems, Micro- Manufacturing Systems, Electric Drives, Autotronics, Dynamics and Control of Mechatronics Systems

Taught in School or College


BTech 1st Year subjects

Environmental Studies, Basic Electrical Technology, Engineering Physics, Communication Skills, Engineering Chemistry, Mechanics Of Solids, Basic Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Graphics, Computer science, Basic Electronics, Engineering Mathematics (M1), Advanced Mathematics (M2)

Class 12 Tuition

Class Location

Online (video chat via skype, google hangout etc)

Student's Home

Tutor's Home

Years of Experience in Class 12 Tuition



State, CBSE

CBSE Subjects taught

Computer Science, Engineering Graphics, Business Studies, Physics, Mathematics, Chemistry, History, Political Science, English, Political Science

Experience in School or College

I have taught Physics, Mathematics at the 10th and 12th Standard level.

State board looking for

Andhra Pradesh State Board, Delhi State Board, Karnataka State Board

Taught in School or College


State Syllabus Subjects taught

History, Geography, Chemistry, Urdu, Physics, Mathematics, Engineering Graphics, Computer Science, Electronics, Statistics

Engineering Diploma Tuition

Class Location

Online (video chat via skype, google hangout etc)

Student's Home

Tutor's Home

Years of Experience in Engineering Diploma Tuition


Engineering Diploma Branch

Chemical Engineering Diploma, Electronics, Engineering Diploma 1st Year, Automobile Engineering Diploma, Production Engineering Diploma, Electrical Engineering Diploma, Mechanical Engineering Diploma

Production Engineering Diploma Subjects

Manufacturing Processes, Mechanical Engineering Materials, Advanced Manufacturing Processes, Mechanical Engineering Drawing, Heat Engineering, Electrical Technology, Machine Tool And Design, Applied Mathematics, Strength of Materials, Measurements And Control, Fundamentals of Electronics, Production Technology, Cnc Machines And Tooling, Automobile Manufacturing System, Fluid mechanics and machinery, Industrial Fluid Power, Production Processes, Metrology & Quality Control, Theory of Machines and Mechanisms, Tool Design, Computer Programming, Mechatronics, Plant Engineering

Engineering Diploma Subject

Basic Chemistry, Engineering Mathematics, Basic Workshop Practice, Workshop Practice, Computer Fundamentals, Workshop Drawing, Engineering Graphics, English, Applied Science ( Mechanical & Plastic ), Basic Physics, Engineering Mechanics, Basic Math

Mechanical Engineering Diploma Subject

CAD-CAM & Automation, Power Plant Engineering, Computer Programming, Industrial Project, Power Engineering, Advanced Manufacturing Processes, Design of Machine Elements, Industrial Fluid Power, Theory of Machines & Mechanisms, Fundamentals of Electronics, Mechanical Engineering Materials, Electrical Engineering, Refrigeration & AirConditioning, Metrology & Quality Control, Measurements & Control, Material Handling Systems, Production Technology, Mechanical Engineering Drawing, Automobile Engineering, Production Processes, Mechatronics, Fluid Mechanics and Machinery, Strength of Materials, Applied Mathematics, Manufacturing Technology, Alternate Energy Sources & Management, Tool Engineering, Thermal Engineering, Industrial Project & Entrepreneurship Development

Experience in School or College

I have taught Physics at the 10th standard level. ANd 1st year Engineering Subjects, Mechanical, Mechatronics, Production, industrial, Manufacturing Engineering subjects.

Automobile Engineering Diploma Subject

Hydraulics and Pnumatics, Industrial Projects, Heat Power Engineering, Basic Electrical and Electronics, CAD-CAM and Automation, Theory of Machines & Mechanisms, Mechanical Engineering Drawing, Materials and Manufacturing Process, Mechantronics, Applied Math, Strength of Materials

Chemical Engineering Diploma Subject

Mechanical Technologies, Heat Transfer Operation, Industrial Project and Entreprenureship Development, Mechanical and Production Engineering/ Production Technology, Industrial Project, Electrical Engineering and Electronics, Energy Management, Industrial Chemistry, Applied Mathematics, Mechanical Operation, Fluid Flow Operation

Type of class

Regular Classes, Crash Course

Class strength catered to

Group Classes, One on one/ Private Tutions

Taught in School or College


Electrical Engineering Diploma Subject

Electrical And Electronics Engineering Material, Instrumentation & Transducers, Control System Components, Renewable Energy Technology, Computer Aided Design, Electric Drives, Computer Programming, Electric Circuit Theory, Electronic Devices And Logic Circuit, Power System Operation And Maintenance, Electrical Machines, Basic Electronics

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Answers by Mohd. Firasath Ali (4)

Answered on 05/07/2024 Learn CBSE/Class 11/Science/Chemistry

In organic chemistry, an electrocyclic reaction is a type of pericyclic rearrangement where the net result is one pi bond being converted into one sigma bond or vice versa. These reactions are usually categorized by the following criteria: Reactions can be either photochemical or thermal. ...more

In organic chemistry, an electrocyclic reaction is a type of pericyclic rearrangement where the net result is one pi bond being converted into one sigma bond or vice versa. These reactions are usually categorized by the following criteria: Reactions can be either photochemical or thermal.

Answers 85 Comments
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Answered on 11/09/2021 Learn Tuition

The Periodic Table comprises names, images, nuclear numbers, and a nuclear load of the component. The table is orchestrated in two habits: components inside every upward section are comparable or share something practically speaking are called Groups where components in a single period have an equivalent... ...more

The Periodic Table comprises names, images, nuclear numbers, and a nuclear load of the component. The table is orchestrated in two habits: components inside every upward section are comparable or share something practically speaking are called Groups where components in a single period have an equivalent number of electron shells structures.
Remembering the occasional table is significant because it is coordinated and gives a ton of data about components. Additionally, it causes understudies to see how components identify with each other. It is utilized to anticipate the properties of each component.

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Answered on 04/08/2021 Learn Tuition

"Principles of Electrical and Electronics by V K Mehta" is a nice book to learn every basic to the advanced concept of electronics engineering.
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Answered on 01/08/2021 Learn Tuition

For basic electronics, "Principles of electrical and electronics engineering" by V. K. Mehta is good. The author explains all basic electronics concepts from students' perspectives. He mingles electrical engineering with electronics in one book because there are things in electronics that require electrical... ...more

For basic electronics, "Principles of electrical and electronics engineering" by V. K. Mehta is good. The author explains all basic electronics concepts from students' perspectives. He mingles electrical engineering with electronics in one book because there are things in electronics that require electrical knowledge.
"Electronic Devices and Circuits" by Jacob Millman is also an excellent book by a foreign author.
You can learn a lot of electronics stuff in those books.

Answers 248 Comments
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Mohd. Firasath Ali describes himself as Over 4 years of Experience tutoring B.E./B.Tech and M.E./M.Tech in Mechanical and allied sujects.. He conducts classes in BTech Tuition, Class 12 Tuition and Engineering Diploma Tuition. Mohd. Firasath is located in Fatehdarwaza, Hyderabad. Mohd. Firasath takes Online Classes- via online medium. He has 3 years of teaching experience . Mohd. Firasath has completed Master of Engineering - Master of Technology (M.E./M.Tech.) from Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University in 2021. HeĀ is well versed in English, Persian, Hindi, Urdu, Telugu and Arabic.


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