This course prepares you in modeling software components with object oriented programming.Understanding Java programming constructs, takes you from writing "Hello world" to running complex tasks with multi-threading.
Gain deep understanding of collections,IO and parallel streams which are mandatory skills for the current industry.
Students would gain programming experience on thread-safety & concurrency control.Practise-test and discussions after the completion of every concept on the next day.With this you are able to apply for Java certifications and helps clearing the interview.
Every concept has a balanced theoritical and practical share with various use-cases.
Prerequisites: Any graduate or above with no prior experience.
- Fundamentals of Object oriented Programming
- Java Language Syntax
- JVM architecture
- Exception handling
- I/O classes
- Collections
- Multi-Thread programming
- Excecutors
- Parallel Streams.
- Applets & Awt
Note: You can post your questions on the blog during and after the course .
Handsome list of interview question bank be provided and periodic tests will be conducted.
Wish you the best.