Image management is the ongoing process of evaluating and controlling the impact of your appearance and the result in response on you and others. It is creating an authentic, appropriate, attractive, and affordable image.
As an individual living and working in a highly complex and competitive society, you must recognize and understand the impact of your appearance as it communicates first to you and then to others What you wear and the way you look affects:
1. the way you think,
2. the way you feel,
3. the way you act or behave, and then
4. the way others react or respond to you.
While it is important to like what you wear and the way you look, it is more important to understand why or why not and specifically how this affects you, others, and your life and the achievement of your goals.
-Image scope - Anylasis
-Abridged version of the look the part
-Analysis of body shape, personal colors and face shape and recommendation
-Quick reference guide (Styling)