About the Course
Introduction to Java & its features, Java Software installation, Environment Variables Setting, Hello Program, Identifiers, literals, Keywords, Comments, Compiler & Interpreter Functioning, Byte-Code, Class Format Explanation, Data types, Variable declaration & Initialization, type conversion using typecasting & wrapper classes, String, StringBuffer, StringBuilder & RegExpr, Operators, Conditions, Loops, Arrays, Java Programming Structure & importance (package, import, class, variable, constructor, method, static, non-static block declarations), access specifiers (private, default, protected, public), modifiers (abstract, final, static, transient, volatile, native, synchronized), OOPs (Encapsulation, Abstraction â?? Runtime Polymorphism Importance, Inheritance (Types of classes â?? interface, abstract class, class, final class, inner class, anonymous class), Polymorphism (Method overloading, Method overriding), Pass-by-value, Pass-by-Reference), Exceptions and Exception Handling (throw, throws, try, catch, finally clauses), Multithreading, Thread Synchronization, IOStreams (InputStream, OutputStream Reader, Writer and its sub classes), Networking, Legacy classes, Collection classes & Misc classes.