
Brilliant Academy

Pragathinagar, Hyderabad, India - 500072

83 Students

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NATA Coaching Classes
18 Students

Excellence Award Winner 2016

NATA Coaching

Class Location

Online (video chat via skype, google hangout etc)

At the Institute

Type of class

Regular Classes, Crash Course

Engineering Diploma Tuition
18 Students

Excellence Award Winner 2017

Engineering Diploma Tuition

Class Location

Online (video chat via skype, google hangout etc)

At the Institute

Information Technology Engineering Diploma Subject

Advanced Web Technology, Industrial Projects, Digital Techniques, Microprocessor & Programming, Management Information Systems, Computer Networks, Object Oriented Programming, Data Structure, Communication Techniques, Operating System, Advanced Java Programming, Software Engineering, Java Programming, Relational Data Base Management Systems, Object Oriented Modelling and Design, Embedded System, Systems Programming, Computer Architecture & Maintenance

Engineering Diploma Branch

Electronics, Engineering Diploma 1st Year, Mechanical Engineering Diploma, Chemical Engineering Diploma, Computer Engineering Diploma, Information Technology Engineering Diploma, Production Engineering Diploma, Civil Engineering Diploma, Electrical Engineering Diploma

Production Engineering Diploma Subjects

Plant Engineering, Mechanical Engineering Drawing, Fluid mechanics and machinery, Fundamentals of Electronics, Production Processes, Electrical Technology, Applied Mathematics, Manufacturing Processes, Metrology & Quality Control, Professional Practices, Mechanical Engineering Materials, Theory of Machines and Mechanisms, Computer Programming, Advanced Manufacturing Processes, Heat Engineering, Tool Design, Strength of Materials, Industrial Fluid Power

Engineering Diploma Subject

Computer Fundamentals, English, Engineering Mechanics, Basic Physics, Basic Chemistry, Engineering Mathematics, Basic Math, Communication Skills, Workshop Practice, Workshop Drawing, Applied Science ( Mechanical & Plastic ), Basic Workshop Practice, Engineering Graphics

Mechanical Engineering Diploma Subject

Electrical Engineering, Advanced Manufacturing Processes, CAD-CAM & Automation, Production Processes, Power Engineering, Computer Programming, Mechanical Engineering Drawing, Thermal Engineering, Mechanical Engineering Materials, Management, Automobile Engineering, Manufacturing Technology, Applied Mathematics, Mechatronics, Fundamentals of Electronics, Fluid Mechanics and Machinery, Industrial Project & Entrepreneurship Development, Measurements & Control, Industrial Project, Production Technology, Metrology & Quality Control, Design of Machine Elements, Refrigeration & AirConditioning, Strength of Materials

Computer Engineering Diploma Subject

Advanced Microprocessor, Computer Network, Graphical User Interface (GUI), Software Engineering, Linux Programming, Network Management Administration, Applied Mathematics, Computer Graphics, Data Structure Using 'C', Advanced Java Programming, Computer Hardware and Maintenace, Digital Techniques, Microprocessor and Programming, Java Programming, Relational Database Management Systems, Network Programming, Entrepreneurship Development, Computer Security, Software Testing, Electrical Technology, Environmental Studies, Embedded System, Professional Practices, Operating System, Object Oriented Programming, Basics of C Programming

Civil Engineering Diploma Subject

Design of Structures, Design Of Steel Structures, Applied Mathematics (CE and ME Group), Estimating & Costing, Contracts and Accounts, Hydraulics, Transportation Engineering, Architectural Practices and Interior Design, Irrigation Engineering, Building Services And Entrepreneurship Development, Environment Engineering, Advance Surveying, Highway Engineering, Building Construction, Maintenance and Rehabilitation of Structures, Advanced Construction Techniques and Equipments, Geo Technical Engineering, Building Drawing, Development of Life Skills, Mechanics of Structures, Theory Of Structures, Water shade Management, Surveying, Concrete Technology

Chemical Engineering Diploma Subject

Applied Mathematics, Heat Transfer Operation, Fluid Flow Operation, Mechanical and Production Engineering/ Production Technology, Electrical Engineering and Electronics, Plant Utilities, Mechanical Operation

Type of class

Regular Classes, Crash Course

Class strength catered to

One on one/ Private Tutions, Group Classes

Electrical Engineering Diploma Subject

Electrical Installation, Computer Programming, Electrical Engineering Drawing, Electric Drives, Entrepreneurship Development, Power System Operation And Maintenance, Power Electronics, Electrical And Electronics Engineering Material, Control System Components, Computer Aided Design, Micro Hydro Power, Civil Construction And Survey, Electrical Design, Estimation And Costing, Renewable Energy Technology, Basic Electronics, Electrical Measurements And Measuring Instruments, Electric Circuit Theory, Electronic Devices And Logic Circuit, Power Stations, Electrical Machines, Principles Of Management And Costing, Industrial Attachment

BTech Tuition
18 Students

Excellence Award Winner 2018

BTech Tuition

Institute of the month Nov '19

For BTech Tuition in Hyderabad

Class Location

Online (video chat via skype, google hangout etc)

At the Institute

BTech Mechanical subjects

Heat & Mass Transfer, Engineering Drawing & Graphics, Electro Magnetic Theory, Environmental Pollution Control, Welding Technology, Metrology, Mechanical Measurements and Instrumentation, Robotics: Mechanics Control and Programming, Manufacturing Technology, Machine Design, Electronic Mesurement & Instrumentation, Mechanics of Machines, Computational Fluid Dynamics, Fluid Mechanics, Operations Research, Kinematics of Machinery, Thermodynamics, Automotive Fuels and Fuel Sysytems, Analysis and Design of Machine Components, Machine Dynamics and Vibrations/ Acoustics, Dynamics of Machinery, Turbomachines, Computer Integrated Manufacturing, Production and Operations Management, Industrial Production/ Maintanence, Design Engineering, Refrigeration & Air Conditioning Systems, Product Design and Manufacturing, Plant Layout and Material Handling, Strength of Materials, Micro Machining, CAD-CAM, Composites: Mechanics & Processing, Material Science and Metallurgy, Hydraulic and Pneumatic Control, Automobile Engineering, Finite Element Analysis, Heat Treatment of Metals and Alloys, Mechatronics Engineering

BTech Electrical & Electronics subjects

Renewable Energy, Database Management Systems, Power System Engineering, (EMI) Electromagnetic Interference Testing And Design For Compatibility, Circuit Theory, Computer Networks, Electronic Measurements And Instrumentation, Electrical Circuit Analysis, Algorithms And Data Structures, Digital Computer Organization And Architecture, Digital Control Systems, Signal Processing, Applications of Digital Signal Processing (DSP), Traveling Waves On Transmission System, Design Of Embedded Controllers, Analog And Digital Communication, Data Structures & Algorithms, Commutator Machines, Computer Control Of Energy Systems, Electrical Machinery, Flexible Ac Transmission Systems, Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Design, (Dc- Ac) Direct Current-Alternatiing Current System Interaction, Finite Element Method And Applications, Alternative Energy Sources, Microprocessors, Electric Drives, Communication Systems, Electromagnetic Theory, Control Systems, Direct Energy Conversion, Power Electronics

BTech Biotechnology subjects

Bioorganic Chemistry, Biochemistry

BTech Information Science subjects

Computer Networks, Computer Organization & Microprocessor Systems, Data Structures and Algorithms, Software Engineering, Database Systems, Embedded Systems, Operating Systems, Principles of Data Communication, Design & Analysis of Algorithms, Object Oriented Programming

BTech Metallurgical & Materials subjects

Machine Design, Electronic Properties of Materials, Metallurgical Thermodynamics, Mechanics of Materials

BTech Automobile subjects

Materials Science And Metallurgy, Engineering Mechanics, Fluid Mechanics And Machinery, Mechanics Of Machines, Computational Fluid Dynamics, Thermodynamics, Theory Of Machines, Design Of Machine Elements, Electronics And Microprocessors, Strength Of Materials, Measurement And Metrology & Instrumentation, Robotics

BTech Chemical subjects

Industrial Waste Water Engineering, Bio Chemical Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Mass Transfer, Mechanical Operations, Thermodynamics, Organic Chemistry

BTech Civil subjects

Pavement Material And Design, Ground Improvement Techniques, Environmental Engineering & Management, Geotechnical Engineering, Estimation And Costing, Waste Treatment and Management, Mechanics Of Structure, Remote Sensing And Gis, Water Supply & Resources Engineering, Strength & Mechanics Of Materials, Elements Of Earthquake Engineering, Surveying, Hydrological Analysis, Structural Analysis, Analysis Of Indeterminate Structures, Design Of Steel Structures, Engineering Optimization, Hydraulics And Hydraulic Machines, Highway And Traffic Engineering, Structural Design And Drawing, Fluid Mechanics, Design Of Foundation And Earth Retaining Structures, Engineering Geology, Concrete Design and Technology, Civil Engineering Materials And Construction, Soil Reinforcement And Geosynthetics, Railway Engineering And Airport Planning, Applied Soil Engineering, Urban Transportation Planning

BTech Computer Science subjects

Data Communication, Programming in C#, Computer Networks, Object Technology, Network security, Compiler Design, Storage Device and Technology, Data Structures and Algorithms, Linux Programming, Software Engineering and Architecture, Design Of Digital Systems, Computer Organization & Design, Information Security, Web Engineering, Computer Architecture, Design and Analysis of Algorithms, Software Testing and Analysis, Data Warehouse and Data Mining, Wireless Networks, Types and Optimization of Computing Systems, Microprocessors, Object Oriented Programming & Systems, Java Programming, Unix Network Programming, Types of Database Systems, Database Management Systems

BTech Branch

Other Engineering topics, BTech Instrumentation Engineering, Telecom Engineering, BTech 1st Year Engineering, BTech Electrical & Communication Engineering, BTech Automobile Engineering, BTech Information Science Engineering, BTech Biotechnology Engineering, BTech Metallurgical & Materials Engineering, BTech Mechantronics Engineering, BTech Electrical & Electronics, BTech Civil Engineering, BTech Computer Science Engineering, BTech Chemical Engineering, Industrial Engineering, BTech Mechanical Engineering

BTech Electrical & Communication subjects

Wireless Communication, Electronic System Design, Electronic Instrumentation, Speech and Audio Processing, Mobile Communication, Digital Image Processing, Analog Electronics, Nanoscience & Technology, Electronic Circuit Design, Object Oriented Programming, Communication Networks, Analog Signal Processing, Analog Communication, Digital Electronics, Microwave Integrated Circuits, Digital System Design, Embedded Networking, Digital Communication, Data Structures and Algorithms, Embedded System Design, Antennas, Linear and Digital Control Systems, (VLSI/ULSI) Very Large Scale Integration Process Technology, Logic Design, Semiconductor Device Physics, Electromagnetic Waves, Optical Fiber Communication, (IC) Integrated Circuit Systems, Electronic Product Design & Packaging, Flexible Electronics, Microcontrollers and Applications, Signals & Circuits Simulation, Network Analysis, Power Electronics, Linear Systems & Signals, Processors and Controllers, Computer Organization and Architecture

BTech Instrumentation subjects

Communication Systems, Electrical Circuit Analysis, Power Plant Instrumentation, Digital Signal Processing, Robotics Systems & Control, Embedded System Design, Digital Image Processing, Digital System Design, Electrical and Electronics Measurements, Analog Electronic Circuits, Digital Electronics Circuits, Object Oriented Programming, Operations Research, Optimization Techniques, Analog System Design, Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Design

Type of class

Regular Classes, Crash Course

BTech Mechantronics subjects

Nanotechnology, Manufacturing Technology, Computer Networks and Communication Protocols, Mechanics of Robotic Systems, Design of Machine Elements, Production and Operations Management, Engineering Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer, Materials Science and Engineering, Database Management Systems, Theory of Machines, Digital Signal Processing, Strength of Materials, Machine Tool Technology, Hydraulic and Pneumatic Systems

Class strength catered to

One on one/ Private Tutions, Group Classes

BTech 1st Year subjects

Basic Electrical Technology, Mechanics Of Solids, Basic Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Physics, Engineering Chemistry, Advanced Mathematics (M2), Engineering Mathematics (M1), Engineering Graphics, Environmental Studies, Basic Electronics, Computer science

C Language Classes
18 Students

Class Location

Online (video chat via skype, google hangout etc)

At the Institute

4.8 out of 5 55 reviews

Brilliant Academy https://www.urbanpro.com/assets/new-ui/institute-100X100.png Pragathinagar
Brilliant Academy

BTech Tuition

"This is a best place to get good knowledge on the subject. And the learning environment is so positive. "

Reply by Brilliant Academy

thank you azmath for your valuable review

Brilliant Academy

NATA Coaching

"The academy created a decent atmosphere to learn and the staff were also friendly. Very efficient with well qualified tutors. Thank you. "

Reply by Brilliant Academy

thank you for your valuable rating Mr.Naresh karnam

Brilliant Academy

BTech Tuition

"It was a unique, rewarding and an unforgettable experience. I learned so many things that they have already started to shape the students that will definitely help us in our future career. I also would like to thank my tutors for their support and prompt responses to my questions every time. "

Reply by Brilliant Academy

thank you for rating us Mr.Raghavendra

Brilliant Academy

BTech Tuition

"Good institute for who want true education and quality of teaching, best explanation, and best care for our studies from management. "

Reply by Brilliant Academy

thank you Mr.Sai kumar for your valuable reply

Brilliant Academy

BTech Tuition

"It's a very good academy, I have cleared all my backlogs from this institute. I would recommend to all."

Reply by Brilliant Academy

thank you for your rating Ms.Mahitha Naiyudu

Brilliant Academy

BTech Tuition

"This is a best place to get trained for B.Tech subjects. And even to get good knowledge on subject. Tutors, staff and management members help more for our growth in the subject. "

Reply by Brilliant Academy

thank you for your rating Ms.sree usha

Brilliant Academy

BTech Tuition

"Best institute for B.Tech tuitions and diploma tuitions. Highly qualified facility and faculty response is good. "

Reply by Brilliant Academy

Thank you for reviewing us.We value your feedback.!!

Brilliant Academy

BTech Tuition

"Faculty present here is very good. Even the fee is reasonable. They allotted one-on-one teaching upon my personal request. So, I think it's the best chance to clear my backlogs. "

Reply by Brilliant Academy

Thank you sai kiran for rating us...

Brilliant Academy

BTech Tuition

"It was hands on and very extensive but useful course. I got lots of valuable techniques related to teaching. I am really happy with my decision. My tutors were wonderful and i am really lucky."

Reply by Brilliant Academy

thank you anshul for your valuable reply

Brilliant Academy

Engineering Diploma Tuition

"Best institute and the maintenance is good. Teachers is friendly with students then amount is also low. "

Reply by Brilliant Academy

Thank you Shanmukha for rating us....!

Brilliant Academy

Engineering Diploma Tuition

"Special thanks to my tutors, the staff and my group members for their help and support throughout the course, I think I can say it was worth the sleepless nights. "

Reply by Brilliant Academy

Thank you jay for rating us.

Brilliant Academy

Engineering Diploma Tuition

"It has been so useful I learned so much about teaching. I've been looking for such course for a long time and highly recommend all teachers to take it. "

Reply by Brilliant Academy

Thank you sandeep for rating us....

Brilliant Academy

Engineering Diploma Tuition

"Thanks for your great effort. The exam practices were very useful and the tutors feedback were of a great help not to mention sally's big support and the swift replies when help was needed. "

Reply by Brilliant Academy

Thanks for rating us kranthi kumar...

Brilliant Academy

Engineering Diploma Tuition

"The way they treats the student's is too good. The tutors were great and they helped a lot to every students. Thanks BA Academy. "

Reply by Brilliant Academy

Thank you vara prasad for rating us...

Brilliant Academy

Engineering Diploma Tuition

"Firstly a good natured institute. Coming to studies firstly maths teacher has a good stuff, she is giving excellent tips n classes to students, to strike off the maths subject at a time. Now coming to others subjects, we can easily clear them by this marvelous faculty. "

Have you attended any class with Brilliant Academy?

Answers by Brilliant Academy (15)

Answered on 19/01/2021 Learn Tuition

Whatever the course may be, try to start from the basics. Make a list of topics or content and no of hours or work plan to teach. Be confident. Revise twice or thrice.
Answers 260 Comments
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Answered on 19/01/2021 Learn Language/Spoken English

Try to learn at least 2 new words, speak based on phonetics.
Answers 255 Comments
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Answered on 30/05/2020 Learn CBSE/Class 8/Social Studies/Civics/Indian Constitution

Yes, you can.
Answers 4 Comments
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Answered on 26/09/2018 Learn Tuition/BTech Tuition

MBA now a days we are having more opurtunities for people who come with mba background
Answers 57 Comments
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Answered on 11/08/2018 Learn Tuition/BTech Tuition

B.tech is nice when compared to BSC Computer you can gain both practical and subject kowledge in detailed manner
Answers 6 Comments
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Brilliant Academy conducts classes in BTech Tuition, C Language and Engineering Diploma Tuition. It is located in Pragathinagar, Hyderabad. It takes Regular Classes- at the Institute and Online Classes- via online medium. It has got 55 reviews till now with 100% positive feedback.


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