Generally Students Feel Beee Is Tought Subject,i Have Different Methods to Make This Subject Easy and Gain the Good Score in Examination.simple Shortcuts for Writing Kvl and Kcl Eqations and Practical Way of Understanding the Concept of Series and Parllel Resonance.with Good Fundamentals I Can Teach the All Semiconductor Devices Very Well.i Will Help the Student to Do His Paper Work and Myself Prepared Class Notes for This Subject.dc Circuits and Ohmâ??s Law
The Dc Circuits and Ohmâ??s Law, Electro-magnetic Force(E.m.f), Voltage
Potential Difference Electromagnetism Applications of Electromagnetism
Dc Circuits
A Dc Circuit (Direct Current Circuit) Is an Electrical Circuit That Consists of Any
Combination of Constant Voltage Sources, Constant Current Sources, and Resistors.
Del Toro, â??electrical Engineering Fundamentalsâ??, Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2007.
3. Leonard S Bobrow, â?? Foundations of Electrical Engineeringâ??, Oxford University Press, 2013.
4. Mahmood Nahvi and Joseph a. Edminister, â??electric Circuitsâ??, Schaumâ?? Outline Series, Mcgraw Hill, 2002.
5. Mehta V K, â??principles of Electronicsâ??, S.chand & Company Ltd, 1994.