Basics of chemistry
Course offered by Narasimha Kumar
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0.0 out of 5 review
Chapter wise Chemistry revision
"His teaching style is effective, lively and worthy. He clarifies the doubts with apt applications. Due to fever, I could not attend the college for three days. So, I missed the introduction, basics of a chapter. I informed the chapter to sir and booked the class by phone. He started the class with basics and I could answer all the primary questions. He assessed the gap I had in the chapter and build a confidence that drive me to cope up with the class in the college. In the next class, he issued summary chart and work sheet. I solved the work sheet and it was all my preparation for the weekly exam in the college. I scored good. Thanks to sir. "
Chapter wise Chemistry revision
"Good teacher who explains the concepts effectively and with patience. The chapter that was going in the college was informed to him a day earlier the class. He prepared work sheets, assignments, summary charts and exercise on the chapter. After the class, he issued them. My doubts were cleared and it really helped me to score in the weekly exam conducted at college. My class teacher was shocked to see my progress. Thank you sir. "
Chapter wise Chemistry revision
"I attended Basics of chemistry class. It was interesting and very useful. "
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0.0 out of 5 review
Chapter wise Chemistry revision
"His teaching style is effective, lively and worthy. He clarifies the doubts with apt applications. Due to fever, I could not attend the college for three days. So, I missed the introduction, basics of a chapter. I informed the chapter to sir and booked the class by phone. He started the class with basics and I could answer all the primary questions. He assessed the gap I had in the chapter and build a confidence that drive me to cope up with the class in the college. In the next class, he issued summary chart and work sheet. I solved the work sheet and it was all my preparation for the weekly exam in the college. I scored good. Thanks to sir. "
Chapter wise Chemistry revision
"Good teacher who explains the concepts effectively and with patience. The chapter that was going in the college was informed to him a day earlier the class. He prepared work sheets, assignments, summary charts and exercise on the chapter. After the class, he issued them. My doubts were cleared and it really helped me to score in the weekly exam conducted at college. My class teacher was shocked to see my progress. Thank you sir. "
Chapter wise Chemistry revision
"I attended Basics of chemistry class. It was interesting and very useful. "
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