Course Content:
Schedule 1:
Introduction to Android Technology and Architecture
Android Studio basics
Android Project Structure explanation and emulator
About Android components and Building Blocks.
Android Layouts and UI Controls.
-RelativeLayouts,Linear and Constraint Layouts
-TextView,Checkbox,EditText,RadioButton,FlowLayouts,ImageViews,Buttons Appcompat views
Customizing the widget views
Schedule 2:
Activity LifeCycle
Android Samples Projects:
Simple Registration and login app covers basic UI controls usage.
Listview,RecyclerView With Adapters
Usage of Layouts in .xml ui design
Sample on Types OF Intents
-Implicit Intents (SMS intent,Email App intent,Browser intent,phone Call intent etc)
-Explicit Intents (custom intents)
Intro about material design introduced ui components and coding
Ex:Cardview, Coordinatorlayout ,FAB,AppCompat UI elements etc
Creating and using Resources (jpeg and vectors) for multiple resolutions
Constructing custom drawable views
Context menus , Options menu and Popup Menus
Schedule 3:
App on Fragments (Fragment lifecycle)
Fragments with tab Layouts
App on Google Maps
Location services
Google places apis
Broadcast Receivers and Services Ex:SMS receiver etc
App with Rest API integration and Json Parser with freeware api support
Volley Library
Intent Services
Job Scheduling
Intro about Animations and Graphics (optional)
Schedule 4:
Android SAmple app about SQLITE database
Material Design programming .
Activity transitions and drawable animations
Firebase Notifications and Firebase Database
Library creation and export
and also many more like Kotlin Programming for Android apps etc.