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Multiple Meaning Words

Kalai Selvi Arivalagan
22/02/2021 0 0


Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases based on grades 9–10 reading and content, choosing flexibly from a range of strategies.

Pre-lesson questions (5)

 Read the underlined word in each sentence below.  Identify the sentence in which the word has the same meaning as in the original sentence.

  1. Henry could not understand the custom of the tribals which they followed on the Full moon
  2. For generations, they followed the custom without any questioning.
  3. Robert likes to wear custom-made suits.
  4. The vending machine at the railway station is not customer friendly.
  5. The new computer that we purchased last week has many custom friendly features.


  1. Even though Doriyan took the at most care to prepare the report, the committee members approved it as a draft with some
  2. It was a surprise to Tom, when the students submitted their drafts on time.
  3. With the help of his colleagues, Richard drafted the resolution within a short time.
  4. The whole village cheered when Jack was drafted into the army.
  5. At the welcome party, Julian ordered two drafts of ale.


  1. The violent incident that happened at the stadium taught Robert not to harbor ill will toward any
  2. At noon, the ship sailed into the harbor with the biggest catch of the day.
  3. The whole day David searched for the missing cat at every nook and corner of the harbor.
  4. The two families harbored ill feelings for a long time that prevented the little girls from talking to each other.
  5. Port of Manila is one of the natural harbors in the world.


  1. For Peter, the research trip to study butterflies turned out to be an amazing one for the butterflies migrated every spring season to
  2. Mary likes to cook food without more seasoning.
  3. Summer is the best season to grow more flowering plants.
  4. Ricky helped his mother to season food according to his taste.
  5. Rick did not like to use mustard for seasoning but his mother insists on using it.



  1. After the committee submitted their report on damages caused by floods, the government sanctioned adequate funds to help the affected people.
  2. The local committee receieved the sanction after fighting for it.
  3. The Principal did not sanction the local festival holiday as the exams dates neared.
  4. The elected members for the council appealed for immediate sanction of funds to complete the rehabilitation work faster.
  1. Normally it took two weeks to recieve an update on the sanction, but the team got the approval within one week.


After completing the lesson, you will:

  • Know the meaning of an unknown word by context
  • Identify the meaning of a multiple-meaning word


Daunting: causing fear or discouragement

Ardent: characterized by intense desire

Skew: biased in meaning or effect

Esteemed: to regard with respect

Knack: a clever way of doing something



 Multiple-meaning words are words that have more than one meaning listed in the dictionary. When you read, the first meaning comes to mind but that meaning is not implied by the writer.

 Words used in different contexts imply different meanings.  If we don’t know the meaning of that new word, we usually refer to the dictionary or understand from the context in the sentence.    


 Homonyms:  A homonym is a word which has the same spelling and pronunciation as another word but a different meaning.


 target (n) –  an object, a desired goal, a small round shield

 The batch of students, who were guided by Peter, completed the target well ahead the scheduled time.

 target (v) – to aim at, to make a target of 

 Jack was forced to target less profit for he could not meet more customers as he got injured severely in an accident.

 Homophones:  A homophone is a word that sounds exactly like another word, with a different meaning and a different spelling.


 Cheep (n) – a faint, shrill sound of a young bird

 The place looked lonely and deserted and Sharon waited for help as she silently listened to the cheep of love birds.

 Cheep (v) – During the hurricane, the love birds didn’t cheep for they were also cuddled together at the corner of the cage.  

 Cheap (adjective) – When Shirley realized that she bought the cheap product by paying more, she felt cheated.

 Quick check question (2)

 Fill in the blank with the correct answer:

 The type of ants that lived in my garden preferred to live under the ________of trees for it helped them to store their food quickly.

  1. root
  2. bark
  3. route
  4. barks


Fill in the blank with the correct answer:


  1. After Rick was seriously injured on the ______ of his left leg, he was admitted immediately to the emergency ward in the nearby
  2. half
  3. calf
  4. calved
  5. halved

 Interactive questions (2)


  1. Each sentence or paragraph contains an underlined word. Use the context to figure out the meanings of those words. Those underlined words will be the answers in the crossword puzzle.



  1. Each sentence or paragraph contains an underlined word. Use the context to figure out the meanings of those words. Those underlined words will be the answers in the crossword puzzle.





Multiple meaning words are words that have several meanings depending on how they are used in a sentence. 


Post lesson26 questions


1.Fill in the blank with the correct answer

Rita ate ________ only at the buffet organized by the senior boys and girls at school.

  1. desert
  2. dessert
  3. deserrt
  4. descert


Explanation: Dessert is the sweet course served at the end completes a meal.


  1. Fill in the blank with the correct answer

Rebecca’s wedding _______ with rain made her day special.

  1. team
  2. teem
  3. teamed
  4. d. teemed


Explanation: “Teem” means to pour out.


  1. Fill in the blank with the correct answer

Sid found the lost document in the ______ folder of his computer.

  1. cash
  2. cashed
  3. c. cache
  4. cached


Explanation: “cache” means a hiding place used for storing provisions


  1. Fill in the blank with the correct answer

The spring ______ brought the blessings of the year to the coastal villages.

  1. tied
  2. tidy
  3. tide
  4. tie


Explanation: “tide” means time or season


  1. Fill in the blank with the correct answer

It took some time for her to realize that it is a _______ experience.

  1. reel
  2. reality
  3. real
  4. really


Explanation: “real” means true and actual


  1. Fill in the blank with the correct answer

The swan with its pure _______ feathers looked at the other swans swimming near her.

  1. dawn
  2. down
  3. dawned
  4. downy


Explanation: “down” is the layer of fine feathers found under the exterior feathers


  1. Fill in the blank with the correct answer

After he lifted the last man from the collapsed copper mine, everyone _________ with relief.

  1. side
  2. sigh
  3. sided
  4. sighed


Explanation: “sighed” means breathe deeply and heavily


  1. Fill in the blank with the correct answer

After they went ________ a painful struggle, Kate rescued the tiny cat from the floods.

  1. threw
  2. through
  3. throw
  4. thru


Explanation: “through” means by way of


  1. Fill in the blank with the correct answer

During their trekking trip, Julian and his team found a new _______ to reach the hidden treasure.

  1. root
  2. routed
  3. route
  4. routes


Explanation: “route” means a way for travel from one place to another


  1. Fill in the blank with the correct answer

To make the first quality wine, the ancient people stored the wine in the _________ for more than a year.

  1. seller
  2. cellar
  3. cell
  4. sell


Explanation: “cellar” means an enclosed space used for storage


11.Fill in the blank with the correct answer

The broken ______ of glasses hurt her badly and made her bleed profusely.

  1. peace
  2. pieces

c  peas

  1. piece


Explanation: “pieces” means a small part of an item


  1. Fill in the blank with the correct answer

The unexpected floods due to hurricane reached the last _______ of the apartment near the overbridge.

  1. story
  2. storey
  3. stories
  4. storys


Explanation: “storey” means one of the floors or levels in a building


  1. Fill in the blank with the correct answer

The election failed to play the right ________ for it disappointed people who were prompt to vote.

  1. cord
  2. chord
  3. cords
  4. chorded


Explanation:  “chord” means the music produced by musical instruments or singers


  1. Fill in the blank with the correct answer

The prisoners escaped through the ______ but the security guards got them back to their cells again.

  1. shoot
  2. chute
  3. choose
  4. chews


Explanation: “chute” means a sloping channel built for sending out water or garbage


  1. Fill in the blank with the correct answer

While waiting for the rescue team, every second _______ in constant fear for death.

  1. lap
  2. laps
  3. lapse
  4. lapsed


Explanation: “lapsed” means a period of time that moved slowly


  1. Fill in the blank with the correct answer

The heavy rain washed away the fertile soil leaving away the land__________ and uncultivable.

  1. baron
  2. barren
  3. bare
  4. barrenly


Explanation: “barren” means wasteland not suitable for cultivation


  1. Fill in the blank with the correct answer

The  _________ retain hidden characters. .

  1. jeans
  2. genes
  3. jean
  4. gened


Explanation: “genes” means any basic elements of heredity passed from parents to their children


  1. Fill in the blank with the correct answer

The Princess shocked the delegates with her _______ voice.

  1. housed
  2. horse
  3. hoarse
  4. hours


Explanation: “hoarse” means having an unpleasant sound


  1. Fill in the blank with the correct answer

The doctor gave Amala an injection to _________ the pain.

  1. lesson
  2. less
  3. lessen
  4. least


Explanation: “lessen” means to reduce the pain


  1. Fill in the blank with the correct answer

A sudden _______ through the door hole shocked Rachel.

  1. peeked
  2. peek
  3. peak
  4. peeking


Explanation: “peek” means to glance quickly


21.Use the context to determine the meaning of the highlighted word.

In the early 1800s, a dangerous trip across the Sahara desert was a daunting idea. 
A daunting task is one that would _________ someone.

  1. amuse
  2. misplace
  3. lose
  4. frighten


Explanation: “daunting” means causing fear or discouragement


  1. Use the context to determine the meaning of the highlighted word.

Wherever he goes, the esteemed Dr. Jerald is applauded for his life saving research.

What does “esteemed” mean?

  1. very old
  2. stunted
  3. greatly admired
  4. mocked


Explanation: “esteemed” means to regard with respect


  1. Use the context to determine the meaning of the highlighted word.

If you count all the votes in an area that supports the ruling party candidate, and only some of the votes in an area that supports the opposition party candidate, you will skew the results in favor of the ruling partly candidate.

What does “skew” mean?

  1. ignore
  2. ask
  3. biased
  4. slant


Explanation: “skew” means distorted or biased in effect


  1. Use the context to determine the meaning of the highlighted word.

No one suspected that Mike was a spy. He looked normal like any neighbor.  When his covert activity was found out, every one in the neighborhood was shocked.

  1. helpful
  2. loud
  3. friendly
  4. hidden


Explanation: “covert” means a covering that helps to conceal or hide something


  1. Use the context to determine the meaning of the highlighted word.

Richard is an ardent supporter of his presidential candidate. He has been spending most of his time for the election compaign.

What does “ardent” mean in the context of the selection?

  1. foolish
  2. old
  3. passionate
  4. strong


Explanation: “ardent” means enthusiastic, strong support, showing great interest


  1. Use the context to determine the meaning of the highlighted word.

Patrick has a knack for making the tough shots when they are needed most.  We would win more games with his help.

What does “knack” mean?

  1. a hard punch
  2. to throw
  3. a special ability
  4. not skilful


Explanation: “knack” means having the ability to do something skilfully


Test questions5

Use the context to choose the correct meaning:


  1. Every portable communication device is made with an Internet connection.  Most of the new televisions come with Internet connections.  The Internet is omnipresent.


If something is omnipresent, _____________.

  1. it is present everywhere
  2. it is costly
  1. it is hidden
  1. it is sharp


  1. Mother Teresa's cardinal rule is this:  Be kind to others.  She believed that everything in life will be good if we are kind to others.
  1. a bird
  2. not worthy
  3. most important
  1. not valid


  1. Roy was very happy about his e-bike shop.  “We have such an extensive selection of bikes,” he said, “everyone would find a bike that he or she will love to own.”

The word “extensive” means _________.

  1. not enough
  2. large extent
  3. cost more
  4. large number of


  1. Ruben liked sailing in the turbulent waters during storms. Though it is an arduous task, he loved the adventurous trip with his friends.
  2. funny
  3. hard
  4. strange
  5. risky


  1. David misjudged the worthless replica at the museum was a valuable painting for it looked like the real one.

A replica is __________.

  1. without value
  2. a copy
  3. original
  4. ugly








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