- This course is designed to build one chapter concepts in One day.
Course Split Up:
1. First 30 Minutes: Focus on your Strength. We believe the way you are doing is the best way. We build rest of strategy on your Strength.
2. Second 1.5 Hours: Let's move out to Nature. Let's visit where all these Concepts has been originated. Let's understand how these Concepts came from our day-to-day life. Will cover whole Concepts of chapter from day-to-day life. It will make you understand Concepts in a very easier way and help to remember for life time.
3. Third 15 Minutes: A lot can happen over a coffee. So let's have it @ our place.
4. Fourth 1.5 Hours: It's derivation time. Let's drive what we have learnt till now. Will make you to drive on your own way so that it will make you to perform confidently in Exam. The won't let you to forget the concepts.
6. Fifth 15 Minutes: Notes distribution and refreshing time
7. last 1 Hours: Now the time to be grilled up. It's Numerical time. Challenge Accepted.