Everyone gets excited about the guitar. It's a whole new world difficult to reach but stop. It needs the people who love guitar because it loves back.
Let me stop that heavenly consideration about the guitar.
Okay, it has 6 strings E, A, D, G, B and E.
Wait! Why's there two E. The answer is one is base, and another is treble String or an OCTAVE apart strings.
Wait! What is OCTAVE, yes it is same NOTES but different Frequencie.
Wait! What are NOTES? It is the world where we get SCALES from, and SCALE helps to get your tunes and songs made.
Wait! What are NOTES then?
NOTES are the population that lives in the 🎸 Guitar World. Okay let me be more realistic, the music contains 12 NOTES only,
And those are C, C#, D, D#, E, F, F#, G, G#, A, A#, B
And these create SCALES.
Wait! If you have a piano, please play C, E, G together and enjoy your first CHORD.
This will give you the excitement to learn more and more.
One thing to note is, it's the music we learn first than different instruments as we express music through these instruments.