There are many common misconceptions surrounding what it takes to achieve true greatness as an artist of any kind. Obviously there are multiple factors involved, but there is a single common element which all great artists have in great abundance.
The first part is “SIMPLY HAVING SOMETHING TO SAY”. Even if the meanings of what one wants to say are intentionally obscured or left vague, the underlying driving force behind all that is necessary to create great works begins from what it is that the YOU AS AN artist have to say. Sure, it is possible for everyone to have something to say, but some of people have “MORE” to say than others for the simple reason they have discovered themselves, like Some experiences in life, thoughts, and emotions may simply be more vivid and intense in them than in other people. Because every human being is unique. You as an individual have endured and experienced things in your life that are unimaginable to most others. There is an enormous wealth and depth of things in your mind to be expressed. YOU just haven’t tapped into it, even if you have all the musical technique to express them.
The second part of what makes a true artist is simply the “NEED” or “A STRONG ENOPUGH REASON TO SAY” to express one's self. It is the intense need to “try to say it” which drives us. There are people (perhaps most) who don't have that need or recognize its fulfillment - even among many musicians.
No matter where you are now or where you want to be, if you have something to say and a strong desire to say it, you are in good company
Acquiring and developing the skills you need is actually the easy part. Any GOOD teacher can help you with that. But no one outside yourself can give you “that something”. For that, you need to dig deep inside your life memories, pains, loves, fears, moments of personal triumph, etc. Focus on that first. Then you will be ready to apply all the technique you already know in real time.