Learn Below mentioned lessons properly......
1. Theory about Musical Notes, Frets' Name, Formation of 12 Major & 12 Minor Scales, Time Signature.
2. Other Scales- Major & Minor Pentatonic, Harmonic Minor, Melodic Minor, Diminished, Augmented, Dominant, Blues, Jazz, Chromatic, Bebop, Whole Tone etc.
3. Playing all Scales in 5 Shapes.
4. Modes of all Scales and their application.
5. Eastern & Western Staff Notation.
6. Playing & Writing Notation of Songs.
7. Diatonic Chord chart of all Scales.
8. Chords- Triads, 6, 7, M7, m7, 9, 11, 13, Added, Aug., Dim., Sus., Altered(#5, b5, #9, b9) etc.
9. Chord Progression, Extension, Alteration, Improvisation.
10. Making Chords of Songs according to Grammatical Theory.
11. Playing Arpeggios in 5 Shapes.
12. Cycle of 4th & Cycle of 5th and Changing Scales according to Cycle of 4th & Cycle of 5th.
13. Ornamentation- Hammer On, Pull Offs, Vabrato, Bending, Double String Bending,Trill, Tapping, Sweeping etc.
14. Addressing To The Chords- Playing Solo according to Chords Instantly/ On the stage.
15. Giving instruction to other Instrument Players about What to play.
16. Harmony(3rd, 5th, 7th) for the Vocals and Instrument Players.
17. Harmonics.
18. Tritone Substitute.
19. Playing Solo by taking various Modes, scales, arpeggios and using Ornamentation.
20. Intervals & Transposition.
21. Pivot Chord, Borrowed Chord, Accidental chord.
22. Secondary Dominant, Substitute Dominant, Extended Dominant.
23. Phrases & Cadence.
24. Alternative Tuning.
25. Blues Theory- Chord Progression of 8 Bar, 12 Bar & 16 Bar Blues, Quick Change, 2-5-1 Chord Progression etc.
26. Jazz Theory- Jazz Scale, Using Tritone Substitute, Chromatic Approach in Jazz Music, Uses of Minor Pentatonic Scale in Jazz Music etc.