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Some Important Questions in French

Amit Ghosh
23/09/2018 0 0



Quel âge as-tu ?

How old are you ?

In French you say "to HAVE a number of years".


J'ai 25 ans.

I'm 25 years old.

Literally: I have 25 years.


Parlez-vous français ?

Do you speak French ?

Another way to ask the same questions is:
“Est-ce que vous parlez français ?” or
“Vous parlez français ?” (rising intonation)


Oui, je parle un peu.

Yes, I speak a bit.



Non, Je ne parle pasfrançais.

No, I don't speak French.

To make a negative French sentence, you must follow the "ne + verb
+ pas
" structure. In spoken French you can omit the "ne" word. Eg.
Je parle pas français. J'ai pas mes clés (I don't have my keys).


Tu parles bien anglais.

You speak well English .

The "s" you must add while conjugating (the second person singular, that is you (tu) ). This "s" in "parles" is silent, so you don't pronounce it. 


Je te présente Marie. C'est une amie.

Let me introduce you to Marie.
She is a friend of mine.

Lit: I introduce you to Marie. It is a friend.


Enchanté !

Nice to meet you !

Lit: Delighted (by meeting you). You may also hear: "Ravi." or "Ravi de faire votre connaissance." 


Comment allez-vous ?

How do you do ?

A polite way of asking how someone is.


Ca va, merci.

I'm fine, thank you.

Lit: It goes. You can also say "Je vais bien." (I'm going (doing) well.)


Tout va bien, merci.

Everything is fine, thank you.

Tout is conjugated as the 3rd person singular. 


Je ne comprends pas.

I don't understand.

The verb "comprendre": to understand.


C'est un plaisir de faire votre connaissance.

It's really nice to meet you.

Lit: It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance.


Je suis américain. (man)

Je suis américaine. (woman)

I am American.

In general, you need to add “e” to an adjective to get the feminine form. There are two genders in French: masculine and feminine. Thus: "unaméricain" but "uneaméricaine", "un ami anglais" but "une amiefrançaise".  


Vous êtes français

Vous êtes française.

You are French.

In formal speech to be polite with people you don’t know (adults), you need to use “Vous”, the plural form of the personal pronoun, instead of the informal "tu" reserved for the people you know, your friends and the people younger than you in general.


Tu es américain et elle est anglaise.

You are French.

Between friends, kids and people you know you use “tu” (you).


J’habite à New York.

I live in New York.

Verb “habiter” means “to live”. Je + habite becomes
“J’habite”, the “h” is silent here.


Où habitez-vous ?

Where do you live ?

The formal way of asking questions in French is to
switch the verb and the subject. But there are other
more common ways to ask questions: by adding "est-ce que"
or simply raising your intonation ?


On habite aux Etats-Unis.

Nous habitons aux Etas-Unis.

We live in the United States.

“On” is the common ways of saying “we” or “nous” in French.
In spoken French you will hear "on" instead of "nous" 99% of
the time.


Je m’appelle John.

My name is John.

Literally “I call myself John”. “s’appeler” (se appeler) is one of the “pronominal verbs” which are very common in Romance languages.
“S’appeler" is also the verb with the “er” ending, the simplest and the most common type of verb to conjugate. Look at the difference between this sentence (7) and the next one (8) in terms of conjugation. You need to add "s" in the second person singular. The pronunciation stays the same however. 


Comment t’appelles-tu ?

Comment tu t'appelles(intonation)

What's your name ?

Literally “How do you call yourself ?” te + appelles = t'appelles. There can't be two vowels next to each other. It makes the pronunciation easier. 


D’où viens-tu ?

Where do you come from ? /
Where are you from ?

“Tu viens” comes from the verb “venir”, to come.


Je viens du Royaume Uni.

I come from the United Kingdom.

“venir de” (to come from) + le Royaume Uni = venirdu
Royaume Uni. So, "de + le" = du.


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