Consider a tank which is filled with water and placed at some heights. This tank has a pipe connection that is going downwards to another tank in the ground level. The height difference between the 2 tanks...
Today,the structural design world is pressurized for economy and more economy!.There is a limit to economize if one want to abide by the codes of practice and also if one want the building to be robust...
Demodulation is the act of removing the modulation from an analog signal to get the original baseband signal back. Demodulating is necessary because the receiver system receives a modulated signal with...
An e-book or eBook is also known as electronic book, digital book and e-edition. It is a book length publication which contains text of text, images, or both, and produced on Published through, and readable...
In general, it can be said that resulting of any number of concurrent forces in a plane is given by the closing side of the polygon of forces obtained by successive geometric addition of their free vectors.