Address: 12 th main 2nd stage , Bangalore
Locality: Rajajinagar (Find more Rajajinagar schools)
Landmark: Near Navarang
Phone: 9480519454 080-23321270
English Medium
Bangalore East West Public School Navrang-provides excellent infrastructure, sound organizational support and ample opportunity to students to develop their potential to the fullest. Provides a superior instructional method in the various disciplines to students of intellectual diversity and varied cultural backgrounds Reach Out, Reach High and Reach Beyond, the motto of the school is reflected in every act of theirs.
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chidananda KS 07/04/2014
Sagar Baligeri 16/01/2014
Sagar Baligeri 16/01/2014
Prathab N 20/11/2013
raghavdra sagara 17/11/2013
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