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ASP.NET Web API 2 action method return types

Sachin Tekriwal
04/07/2017 0 0

Here, in this article we will learn ASP.NET Web API 2 action method return types.

A Web API 2 action method return types can be any of the following :

  • Void
  • HttpResponseMessage
  • IHttpActionResult
  • Other type or Complex type

A Web API 2 action method return types can be any of the following


When an ASP.NET Web API return type is void, it will return an empty HTTP response.

In the following example a web API with void return:


public class SampleController : ApiController
  public void Post()

Note: We are using fiddler to call Web API, it is a free web debugging proxy which logs all HTTP(s) traffic between your computer and the Internet


Calling sample web API in fiddler
Web API 2 action method void return 

It is returning status code 204 No Content (an empty HTTP response)
Web API 2 action method void return status code 204 No Content (an empty HTTP response) 



  • When Web API return type is HttpResponseMessage, Web API converts the return value directly into an HTTP response message.
  • We can set the status code, content as per our requirement.


In the following example a web API with HttpResponseMessage return:


public HttpResponseMessage Get()
    HttpResponseMessage response = Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, "value1");            
    return response;


Calling sample Web API with HTTP GET request
Web API 2 action method HttpResponseMessage return 

In Response, It is returning status code 200 OK and Content
Web API 2 action method void return status code 204 No Content (an empty HTTP response) 

Note:Web API serialized model into the response body based on request header formatter

In the following example a web API return HttpResponseMessage with list of Countries in response body:


public HttpResponseMessage Get()
   // list of Countries
   List Countries = new List();
    Country country = new Country();
    country.ID = 1;
    country.CountryName = "USA";
    country.Capital = "Washington";
    //Countries to the response body.             
    HttpResponseMessage response = Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, Countries);            
    return response;


In Response, It is returning status code 200 OK and Content
Web API 2 action method HttpResponseMessage return 


IHttpActionResult is introduced in Web API 2, IHttpActionResult interface acts like a factory for HttpResponseMessage.

There are some advantages of using the IHttpActionResult over HttpResponseMessage

  • The code is cleaner and easier to read
  • Unit testing for controller action methods become easy
  • It comes with custom built in responses
    • Ok
    • NotFound
    • Exception
    • Unauthorized
    • BadRequest
    • Conflict
    • Redirect

In the following example a web API return IHttpActionResult with list of Countries in response body:


public IHttpActionResult Get(int id)
   // list of Countries
   List Countries = new List();
    Country country = new Country();
    country.ID = 1;
    country.CountryName = "USA";
    country.Capital = "Washington";
    //finding country based on provided id
    var result = Countries.FirstOrDefault(x=> x.ID ==id);
    if (result == null)
        //create a 404 (Not Found) response
        return NotFound();                
        //creates a 200 (OK) response that contains the country
        return Ok(result);


Calling sample web API with HTTP GET request and id
Web API 2 action method HttpResponseMessage return 

In Response, It is returning status code 200 OK and Content
Web API 2 action method HttpResponseMessage return 

Calling sample web API with HTTP GET request and id(which is not exist)
Web API 2 action method HttpResponseMessage return 

In Response, It is returning status code 404 Not Found
Web API 2 action method HttpResponseMessage return 


Other type or Complex type

  • A Web API can return other or custom complex type
  • Web API serialize value and return it into the response body
  • The response status code 200 OK
  • But in this approach we cannot directly return an error code, still we can throw an HttpResponseException for error codes

In the following example a web API with Complex return type:


public class CountryController : ApiController
    public IEnumerable Get()
        List Countries = new List();
        Country country = new Country();
        country.ID = 1;
        country.CountryName = "USA";
        country.Capital = "Washington";
        return Countries;


Calling Country web API with HTTP GET request
Web API 2 action method Complex return type 

In Response, It is returning status code 200 OK and Content
Web API 2 action method void return status code 204 No Content (an empty HTTP response) 
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