Bash Shell Scripting course provides advanced level skills to help Linux users increase their performance using shell scripts. Students will learn how to create, debug, and read complex Bash shell scripts to customize their Linux enterprise systems. This advanced training will help build the requisite expertise through shell scripting to manage, operate and maintain an enterprise network using Linux/Unix.The teaching procedure is set in such a way that the learner gets a real feel of the work. The knowledge is trained in a step by step procedure so that the students can get that into their head and put into practice it when needed. They are permitted to create and manage tables, do scripting and actual feel the pulse.course provides students with the skills to read, write, and debug UNIX shell scripts. The course begins by describing simple scripts to automate frequently executed commands and continues further by describing conditional logic, user interaction, loops, menus, traps, and functions.
Basic Unix Shell Scripting
- Getting started
- (Brief session about Unix)
- Command usage in unix
- General Utilities
- (cal,date,echo,bc,......)
- Files and Directories
- (pwd,cd, mkdir,rmdir,ls....)
- Handling files using cat,cp,rm,mv,......
- Shell Offerings
- Process Basics
- Links and the find command
- Simple filters
- (head,tail,cut,paste,sort..........)
- grep and Sed
- Shell Programming
- (if, case,loops, for.........)
- awk
- Small Project