Gundeep IELTS trainer in Delhi


Have 8+ bands ielts through interactive and fun yet easy sessions

Tri Nagar, Delhi, India - 110035.

Top Tutor 13 Students

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I am a professional online English teacher, and I have been teaching since 2015. I specialize in Business English. If you need to speak to international colleagues and customers, attend meetings and presentations in English, or even if you worry about how your email looks, I can help you! I also enjoy real-world conversation and situational English. Yes, I have a couple of degrees and a certificates, but don't let that fool you. I am a "real" person and thus I have devised ways to make the IELTS course easy for everyone. <br/>My teaching style? Fun and interactive!

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  • IELTS Coaching

Languages Spoken

Punjabi Proficient

Hindi Proficient

English Proficient


Csjmu 2017

Master of Business Administration (M.B.A.)


Tri Nagar, Delhi, India - 110035

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IELTS Coaching classes
4 Students

Class Location

Online Classes (Video Call via UrbanPro LIVE)

Student's Home

Tutor's Home

Years of Experience in IELTS Coaching classes


Experience in taking IELTS exam




Certification held

Train the Trainer- Cambridge English Language Assessment, Train the Trainer- British council

Awards and Recognition


Paper for which assistance is provided

IELTS General (If you want to move to an English-speaking country for work or immigration), IELTS Academic (If you want to move to an English-speaking country to study)

Makeup Classes

Class Location

Online Classes (Video Call via UrbanPro LIVE)

Student's Home

Tutor's Home

Years of Experience in Makeup Classes


Age group catered to

14- 21 years old, 22- 50 years old, Above 50 years

Teaching Experience in detail in Makeup Classes

So you have this itch to work in the Film and TV industry as a make-up artist, but you don't know where to start and how to take on the whole process.. By the end of this course, you will know how the process of being a Make-up Artist works. This course can also be very useful to actors and other crew members to understand the work your make-up department does for you.

Documents (1)

Speaking Bands IELTS

Reviews (25)

3.8 out of 5 25 reviews

Gundeep https://p.urbanpro.com/tv-prod/member/photo/8515286-small.png Tri Nagar
Verified Student

IELTS Coaching

"I just attend the demo session. I really liked this session. After I had conversation with Gundeep mam, I got more confidence than before. she too motivated me. Because of my time plan, I plan to attend ielts class before 1 r 2 mnth of my exam. From my view, I can say it's a good session and u can crack ielts easily. "


IELTS Coaching

"Well, I must say that this is one of the best coaching available. The great insights for the preparation were provided and also made us familiar with the actual test format. "


IELTS Coaching

"Learning from Gundeep was very helpful in tracing out my flaws and weaknesses. She focus very deep and strategises to help you perform better. "

Reply by Gundeep

Thank you


IELTS Coaching

"Nice teacher with good interactive sessions of teaching . She is having good knowledge about content of ielts. Just awesome. "

Reply by Gundeep

Thank you

Have you attended any class with Gundeep?


1. Which classes do you teach?

I teach IELTS Coaching and Makeup Classes.

2. Do you provide a demo class?

Yes, I provide a free demo class.

3. How many years of experience do you have?

I have been teaching for 18 years.

Answers by Gundeep (3)

Answered on 22/04/2021 Learn Exam Coaching/Foreign Education Exam Coaching/IELTS Coaching

I genuinely believe that practice makes one perfect. Check YouTube videos of previous papers and try solving them and with each passing paper, you'll gain experience and grasp a grip of the technique required to solve that section.
Answers 58 Comments
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Answered on 04/01/2021 Learn Exam Coaching/Foreign Education Exam Coaching/IELTS Coaching/IELTS Academic vs General

Your admission to a Canadian University depends on various factors. Your IELTS score and work experience represent just two of the many items that will help weigh your case. Predominantly you UG percentage will be considered against the average of your university. Most universities in Canada will have... ...more

Your admission to a Canadian University depends on various factors. Your IELTS score and work experience represent just two of the many items that will help weigh your case.

  • Predominantly you UG percentage will be considered against the average of your university. Most universities in Canada will have a column wherein you can enter the grade of the University topper. It allows the Canadian University to look at your performance in a relative percentile manner. For instance - many of my Maharashtrian peers in university had scored in the 60% to 65% range during their undergrad, and the topper had secured around 69% for that stream. That would put their percentile score well into the 90s.
  • Canadian Universities require an English language test no doubt. IELTS is accepted, and so is TOEFL (this was valid until 2014 as far as I can be sure of). I had written TOEFL for my admission back in 2012. GRE is NOT mandatory in any of the major Universities. Many of them do not even have a section to upload GRE scores. But they accept scores if you believe that you have scored well and feel that it will help add an advantage to your profile while pitting you against other international applicants.
  • Your letters of recommendation need to be crisp and varied enough to outline different aspects of your personality and work profile. I had 3 of them, and I sat with my recommender to work out what he/she wanted to enlist and how we could arrive at the right balance. Trust me when I tell you, a strong LOR will do wonders for your admission and funding chances.
  • The statement of purpose is VERY often overlooked as a generic essay. Please spend a LOT of time drafting a good SOP. Each university will word your SOP question different. I had applied to 6 schools totally in the US and Canada, and each of my SOPs was a slightly different version. The University of Pennsylvania wanted three separate (short) essays, each talking about various aspects of what I wanted to do and what I had done so far. The University of Ottawa (which I finally chose) required a more explanatory note of why they should take me. Thus, your SOP can easily offset your UG grades. I had scored low during my 2nd year (I had topped in my first year) and I had an honest account of how I lost interest in studying and did not take it seriously as I felt the lessons weren’t up to the mark. I did not lie. I did not fabricate some “family difficulty” story (many do that. A friend in the admissions office told me countless tales of such occurrences). Be honest and direct. Canadians LOVE real people!
  • Extracurricular activities, social work, internships, and so forth add value to your profile. Your experience of 4 years will help a lot as long as it is relevant to your study field.
  • Finally, think carefully over what course you want to do and where. If your overall mark is less because you are not proficient in, say, VLSI design, it won’t be a big issue as long as you want to study optical electronics and have scored well in that field. Each university if prominent for specific areas of study. Take your time and choose. Please do not rush into picking some random university to gain an entry into Canada. There is enough opportunity for everyone. Make yourself stand out better by focussing a little during application.

Hopefully, you get into the university of your choice! Canada is a fantastic place to live in! The people will kill you with kindness.

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Answered on 15/12/2020 Learn Exam Coaching/Foreign Education Exam Coaching/IELTS Coaching/IELTS Academic vs General

To be precise, why IELTS score matters? So that the university knows that you can understand and comprehend the education and can communicate effectively with the teachers and the natives. Why do we need a good IELTS score? The better the score, the better chances of getting selected by a good univer... ...more

To be precise, why IELTS score matters? 
So that the university knows that you can understand and comprehend the education and can communicate effectively with the teachers and the natives.

Why do we need a good IELTS score? 
The better the score, the better chances of getting selected by a good university.

Answers 12 Comments
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IELTS Coaching classes
4 Students

Class Location

Online Classes (Video Call via UrbanPro LIVE)

Student's Home

Tutor's Home

Years of Experience in IELTS Coaching classes


Experience in taking IELTS exam




Certification held

Train the Trainer- Cambridge English Language Assessment, Train the Trainer- British council

Awards and Recognition


Paper for which assistance is provided

IELTS General (If you want to move to an English-speaking country for work or immigration), IELTS Academic (If you want to move to an English-speaking country to study)

Makeup Classes

Class Location

Online Classes (Video Call via UrbanPro LIVE)

Student's Home

Tutor's Home

Years of Experience in Makeup Classes


Age group catered to

14- 21 years old, 22- 50 years old, Above 50 years

Teaching Experience in detail in Makeup Classes

So you have this itch to work in the Film and TV industry as a make-up artist, but you don't know where to start and how to take on the whole process.. By the end of this course, you will know how the process of being a Make-up Artist works. This course can also be very useful to actors and other crew members to understand the work your make-up department does for you.

Answers by Gundeep (3)

Answered on 22/04/2021 Learn Exam Coaching/Foreign Education Exam Coaching/IELTS Coaching

I genuinely believe that practice makes one perfect. Check YouTube videos of previous papers and try solving them and with each passing paper, you'll gain experience and grasp a grip of the technique required to solve that section.
Answers 58 Comments
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Answered on 04/01/2021 Learn Exam Coaching/Foreign Education Exam Coaching/IELTS Coaching/IELTS Academic vs General

Your admission to a Canadian University depends on various factors. Your IELTS score and work experience represent just two of the many items that will help weigh your case. Predominantly you UG percentage will be considered against the average of your university. Most universities in Canada will have... ...more

Your admission to a Canadian University depends on various factors. Your IELTS score and work experience represent just two of the many items that will help weigh your case.

  • Predominantly you UG percentage will be considered against the average of your university. Most universities in Canada will have a column wherein you can enter the grade of the University topper. It allows the Canadian University to look at your performance in a relative percentile manner. For instance - many of my Maharashtrian peers in university had scored in the 60% to 65% range during their undergrad, and the topper had secured around 69% for that stream. That would put their percentile score well into the 90s.
  • Canadian Universities require an English language test no doubt. IELTS is accepted, and so is TOEFL (this was valid until 2014 as far as I can be sure of). I had written TOEFL for my admission back in 2012. GRE is NOT mandatory in any of the major Universities. Many of them do not even have a section to upload GRE scores. But they accept scores if you believe that you have scored well and feel that it will help add an advantage to your profile while pitting you against other international applicants.
  • Your letters of recommendation need to be crisp and varied enough to outline different aspects of your personality and work profile. I had 3 of them, and I sat with my recommender to work out what he/she wanted to enlist and how we could arrive at the right balance. Trust me when I tell you, a strong LOR will do wonders for your admission and funding chances.
  • The statement of purpose is VERY often overlooked as a generic essay. Please spend a LOT of time drafting a good SOP. Each university will word your SOP question different. I had applied to 6 schools totally in the US and Canada, and each of my SOPs was a slightly different version. The University of Pennsylvania wanted three separate (short) essays, each talking about various aspects of what I wanted to do and what I had done so far. The University of Ottawa (which I finally chose) required a more explanatory note of why they should take me. Thus, your SOP can easily offset your UG grades. I had scored low during my 2nd year (I had topped in my first year) and I had an honest account of how I lost interest in studying and did not take it seriously as I felt the lessons weren’t up to the mark. I did not lie. I did not fabricate some “family difficulty” story (many do that. A friend in the admissions office told me countless tales of such occurrences). Be honest and direct. Canadians LOVE real people!
  • Extracurricular activities, social work, internships, and so forth add value to your profile. Your experience of 4 years will help a lot as long as it is relevant to your study field.
  • Finally, think carefully over what course you want to do and where. If your overall mark is less because you are not proficient in, say, VLSI design, it won’t be a big issue as long as you want to study optical electronics and have scored well in that field. Each university if prominent for specific areas of study. Take your time and choose. Please do not rush into picking some random university to gain an entry into Canada. There is enough opportunity for everyone. Make yourself stand out better by focussing a little during application.

Hopefully, you get into the university of your choice! Canada is a fantastic place to live in! The people will kill you with kindness.

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Answered on 15/12/2020 Learn Exam Coaching/Foreign Education Exam Coaching/IELTS Coaching/IELTS Academic vs General

To be precise, why IELTS score matters? So that the university knows that you can understand and comprehend the education and can communicate effectively with the teachers and the natives. Why do we need a good IELTS score? The better the score, the better chances of getting selected by a good univer... ...more

To be precise, why IELTS score matters? 
So that the university knows that you can understand and comprehend the education and can communicate effectively with the teachers and the natives.

Why do we need a good IELTS score? 
The better the score, the better chances of getting selected by a good university.

Answers 12 Comments
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Gundeep describes herself as Have 8+ bands ielts through interactive and fun yet easy sessions. She conducts classes in IELTS Coaching and Makeup. Gundeep is located in Tri Nagar, Delhi. Gundeep takes Regular Classes- at her Home and Online Classes- via online medium. She has 20 years of teaching experience . Gundeep has completed Master of Business Administration (M.B.A.) from Csjmu in 2017. She is well versed in Punjabi, Hindi and English. Gundeep has got 25 reviews till now with 100% positive feedback.


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