Address: Survey No. 35/A, Sathanur Village , Jala Hobli, Bangalore - 562149
Locality: Jala hobli (Find more Jala hobli schools)
Phone: 080 28478041/42
English Medium
This school is one of the major CBSE schools in the Northern part of Bangalore. It is governed by the Delhi Public School Society, an educational body. The school has excellent facilities and has both day and boarding options for parents. One speciality of the school is the Child Counseling Center where specially trained child psychologists will provide student with the mentoring they require. They also have an enrichment resource center that is supposed to keep the link between the child, teacher and the parent.
Year Established: 2002
Extra-curricular Activities:
football, hockey, cricket, athletics, tennis, swimming, music, dramatics, dance and computers
Olympics size swimming pool, library, cafeteria, science lab, amphitheater, butterfly park
Fees: Rs. 1 Lakh / year
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Upload it now!THIS SCHOOL SUCKS!!!!!!!!
i know what im talkin about and if u want to save your child i request you to PLEASE send your chils to another school.
i study at this school and the quality if teaching is unexplainable.
our syllabus isn't that bad but the way they teach the things are extremely discouraging
the only thing is MARKS,MARKS AND MARKS
and you can get marks only by mugging up everything and not understanding a thing
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Dhanalakshmi 04/05/2015
rita singh 01/03/2014
K C Samal 16/02/2014
Jeetha Cheruvathoor 14/01/2014
satya 03/01/2014
Pradip Kumar Roy 01/01/2014
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