Alcohols, Phenols And Ethers:
1. Give the structure of 1,2-dimethoxy methane and 2-ethoxy-1,1-dimethylcyclohexane. (1m)
2. Give the name of alkyl halide and sodium alkoxide used to synthesis tert-butylethyl ether. (1m)
3. Explain why sodium metal can be used for drying diethyl ether but not ethyl alcohol. (1m)
4. Dimethyl ether completely soluble water but diethyl ether is soluble in water to a smaller extent. (1m)
5. Although phenol is an acid ,yet it does not react with sodium bi carbonate solution .Why? (1m)
6. How will you convert: (a.) Propene to propan -2-ol. (b) Phenol to 2,4,6,trinitro phenol. (2M)
7.How will you convert: (a) propan – 2- ol to propanone. (b) ethanal to propan – 2-ol. (2m)
8. Write the equations involved in the following reactions:
(i)Reimer – Tiemann reaction. (2m)
(ii) Williamson’s ether synthesis. (2m)
9. (a) Give the mechanism of acid catalyzed hydration of an alkenes to form corresponding alcohol.
(b)Why does p – dichlorobenzene have a higher m.p. than its O and m isomers. (2m)
10. (a.) Rearrange the following compounds in increasing order of their P. CH3 CHO, CH3-CH2-OH, CH3-CH2-CH3(2M)
- Draw the structural formula of cyclo Hexylmethanol.
- Draw the structure and name the product formed if the following alcohols are oxidised. Assume that an excess of oxidizing agent is used.(3M)
(i). CH3 CH 2CH 2 CH2 OH
(ii). 2-butenol
(iii). 2-methyl-1-propanol.
11.Name the reagents in the following reactions:
(i). Oxidation of primary alcohol to carboxylic acid .
(ii). Oxidation of primary alcohol to aldehyde.
(iii). Bromination of phenol to 2,4,6-tribromophenol
(iv). Benzyl alcohol to benzoic acid
(v). Dehydration propan-2-ol to propene
(vi). Butan-2-one to butan-2-ol
12. Show how will you synthesise:
(i). 1-phenyl ethanol from a suitable alkene
(ii). Cyclohexyl methanol using an alkyl halide by an SN2 mechanism?
(iii). Pental-1-ol by using alkyl halide?