Prepositions are used with reference to time and space . A preposition is a word placed before a Noun(or Pronoun) to show the relation in which one person or thing stands to another person or thing.
For example :
1. We will meet at 9 pm today. (time)
2.The cat is under the table . (space)
List of few important prepositons :
at,in,on,upon,between,after,before,between,aboce ,below,from,by,under,over,across ,along .
Understand this example :
* At and In with reference to time and space.
They left for the show at sunset .( time---- at a particular point of time)
Joe met me at the milk shop .(space---- at a particular point of address)
Mom will wake me up in the morning. ( a period of time when something will happen)
They want to meet you in the temple. ( denotes position/placen inside something)
Prepositions are very interesting but a bit tricky to handle in English. Undertsnading its various uses properly will surely help one to use it efficeintly.