The main greenhouse gas that is responsible for global warming is carbon dioxide(CO2). Others include nitrous-oxide, chlorofluorocarbon (CFC), methane, etc. Greenhouse gases come from various sources.
1. Carbon dioxide (CO2): The major greenhouse gas is Carbon dioxide. The sources of carbon di-oxideincludes:
- Burning of fossil fuels.
- Levels increases as a consequence of deforestation.
2. Methane (CH4): Methane is responsible for about 20% of the greenhouse effect. The sources of methane includes:
- Rice,
- Paddies,
- Burning of wood,
- Cattle,
- Wetland,
- Land fields, etc.
3. Chlorofluorocarbon (CFC): About 15% of greenhouse effect is due to these gases. In case of heat absorbing power it is thousand times more effective than CO2. The sources of chlorofluorocarbonincludes:
- Air conditioning industry,
- foam packaging industry, etc.
4. Nitrous oxide: Nitrous oxide is responsible for 5% of the greenhouse gases. Its sources are:
- Coal burning,
- Breakdown of chemical fertilizers,
- Biomass burning, etc.