Given below is a sentence, part or all of which, is in bracjkets Beneath the sentence are four ways of
phrasing that . The first of these repeats the original; the other three are different.
Choose the option that produces the most effective sentence; this answer should be clear and
exact, without awkwardness, ambiguity, redundancy, or grammatical error. The question tests
correctness and effectiveness of expression.
Such lapses of integrity are not unique to China,[[[[[ but poor peer-review mechanisms, misguided
incentives and a lack of checks on academic behaviour all allow fraud to be more common.]]]]
(a) but poor peer-review mechanisms, misguided incentives and a lack of checks on academic
behaviour all allow fraud to be more common.
(b) but poor peer-review mechanisms, misguiding incentives and a lack of checks on academic
behaviour all allow fraud to be more common.
(c) but poor peer-review mechanisms, misguided incentives and a lack of checks on academic
behaviour all allows fraud to be more common.
(d) but poor peer-review mechanisms, misguided incentives and lacking checks on academic
behaviour all allow fraud to be more common.
a Option (b) is incorrect. ‘misguiding incentives’ does
not convey the appropriate meaning. Option (c) has a
subject verb agreement error. It should be ‘allow fraud
to be more common’. Option (d) is also incorrect, as
the parallel form is not maintained