So what is the easiest way to calculate percentages? Here are some tips to quickly find percentages mentally. Think like this:
- There are some percentages that are easy to calculate mentally. 50% means half, 25% means 1/4 and 75% means 3/4 .
- Finding 10% of a number is one of the most useful and also one of the easiest. To find 10% all we need to do is move/shift the decimal one place to the left. Thus 10% of 543 = 54.3, pretty simple!
- 1% is just as easy too. Shifting the decimal point to 2 digits left. So, 1% of 654 = 6.54
- 100% is the easiest by far. The number does not change. So, 100% of 765 is the number itself i.e. is 765.
- 50% is just the number divided by 2. So, 50% of 444 = 222.