Develop automaticity with readmyscript program.

Automaticity or automatic word recognition is the ability to look at words and read without thinking. Even mild difficulties in automatic word recognition affect a reader’s ability to comprehend text. It diverts attention, reduces reading speed and creates the need to reread the text to grasp meaning.
According to ASER’s 2014 report on status of education in India, about 25% of 8th graders and about 52% of 5th graders can’t read 2nd grade level text. It is embarrassing and devastating to read with difficulty in front of peers & teachers. According to the research conducted by NICHD ( National Institute of Child Health & Human Development) in America, children who read well read at least 10,00,000 words per year and children with reading difficulties read less than 1,00,000 words.
Their difficulties understanding what they have read occur because it takes far too long to read words. Leaving little energy to remember and comprehend what was read. Inability to read and comprehend text makes children feel less motivated to read to learn which in turn impacts their overall academic performance. It affects their self esteem.
They just do not read! They avoid reading to learn and avoid assignments that require reading. In simple words, if they are not able to learn to read they won’t read to learn.
And here in India everybody says that English is a funny language.
Is it really funny?
No! It’s funny because we made it funny.
We made it funny because we believe that there is no reason behind spellings & the right pronunciation of words we have in English. It’s too complicated. It doesn’t make sense and we can’t do anything about. All we can do is just memorize. So, we rely on memorization skills & waste a lot of time & efforts memorizing spellings & their pronunciation.
We often find our students struggling, hesitating, stumbling and taking time to decide on the right way of pronouncing words while reading or speaking. Not being adept at spelling restricts their overall academic performance and employment prospects.
Can anybody help? Can our teachers help?
There is no school, no university, no dictionary which can give our kids reasons behind spellings & pronunciation of words we have in English, but us.
What is our solution?
With our well researched program, learners would not need to waste time & efforts endlessly memorizing spelling & pronunciation of words. They would become expert spellers and be able to identify the right pronunciation of almost all of the words. They would also never need to refer to dictionaries for pronunciation & cram spelling; would save a lot of time and can concentrate on core subjects instead.
Also published in website SBW Research.