सन्धि दो वर्णों के परस्पर जुडने को सन्धि कहते हैं सन्धि के प्रकार सन्धि तीन प्रकार की होती है १. स्वर सन्धि २. व्यञ्जन सन्धि ३. विसर्ग सन्धि स्वर सन्धि -- जिस...
One of the most important features of the Civil Disobedience Movement was the large scale participation of women. During Gandhiji’s salt march, thousands of women participated in marches, manufactured...
Questions: An isosceles trapezium is circumscribed about a circle.One of the parallel sides is thrice the other.Find the area of the trapezium its perimeter is 8 units. 1. 2√3 2. 3√3 3. 4√3...