ELECTRIC FIELD : The space or region around the charge in which its effect can be felt is called electric field. Electric field is denoted by 'E'. In other words, if we...
To find antilog value i.e. AL(m):- First type m.(where m= any number like 1, 2, 3 etc.) Then type ÷ button Then type 227695 Then type + button Then type 1 Then type = button Type continious...
Prob: if tan (x)= a/b then find { a sin (2X) + b cos (2X) } Sol: when tan (x) = a/b ( opp side is 'a' units and adj side is 'b' units ) then sin x = a/√a²+b² and cos x= b/√a²+b²...
Tension is a special type of force which is applicable in a stretchable body like rope or string. Its direction is towards the pulley. If rope or chain is massless,frictionless or smooth, then tension...