सन्धि दो वर्णों के परस्पर जुडने को सन्धि कहते हैं सन्धि के प्रकार सन्धि तीन प्रकार की होती है १. स्वर सन्धि २. व्यञ्जन सन्धि ३. विसर्ग सन्धि स्वर सन्धि -- जिस...
Circles: 1. Minor_arc and #Major_arc: If P and Q are points on the circumference (periphery) of circle, and then smaller arc is termed as ‘minor arc’ and larger one as ‘major arc’. 2....
very afarid - fearful very clean - spotless very deep - profound very angry -furious very clear - obvious very depressed- despondent very annoying - exasperating very cold - freezing very...