What is light? And: Light is an energy, which gives us sensation to vision. What is the reflection? When a ray of light falls upon a plain surface it gets bounced back from its surface is called reflection. What...
What are Exhaustible resources? Ans: Resources which are ores pre in limited quantities. What are inexhaustible resources? Ans: They are present in unlimited quantity. What is 3R in resources management? Ans:...
कर्ता कारक क्रिया को करने वाले को कर्ता कहते हैं , अर्थात् जिस किसी भी वाक्य में जो शब्द उस वाक्य में वर्तमान क्रिया को कर रहा है वह उस वाक्य का 'कर्ता ' है उदाहरण =...