कारक क्रिया को करने में जो सहायता करते हैं , उन्हे कारक कहते हैं l कारक के प्रकार कारक मुख्यरूप से 6 होते हैं , परन्तु कुछ लोग सरलता के लिए सात भी मानते हैं l १....
Q1: What is Economics? A1: Economics is about making choices in the presence of scarcity. Q2: What is scarcity? A2: scarcity can be defined as a situation when demand for something exceeds its supply. Reasons...
0 K or absolute zero is the lowest temperature on the Kelvin temperature scale and considered as the lowest temperature possible. This is the reason that all temperatures on the Kelvin scale are in positive...