Ohms Law: George Simon Ohm, a German Physicist and Mathematician found a typical relationship between potential difference (V) and electric current (I). This relationship is known as Ohm's Law. Ohm's...
Why are the 2 Laws required? Simple circuits can be analyzed by using Ohms Law. i.e. Using knowledge of Ohm's law, we can find out the current and potential differences across the Resistances. But this...
Q1. How much energy is given to each coulomb of charge passing through a 6V battery? Ans:6J Q2. How much work is done in moving a charge of 2C across two points having a potential difference of 20 volts...
SI unit of electric current is ampere. The property due to which the flow of electrons is resisted in a conductor is known as resistance. Ohm is the SI unit of resistance. Cell is the device used...
Ohm's Law states that voltage is directly proportional to current and resistance V=IR Here, V is Voltage I is Current R is Resistance Using the the mnemonics you can easily know by " Very Interesting...