Online Live Training session on Block-Based Programming Training using with Scratch tool. This program is for beginners aged eight years to 13 years old. This program will help the child to improve logical thinking skills, and it will be a foundation to learn other programming languages. At the end of this course, the learner will be able to create their own games, animations and stories. This is a five hours course—one hour per day. Classes are commencing from June 8th 2020. Every month batches will be launched. Interested people can reach to us anytime for their classes. Doing this course will help a child to get introduced to the programming world. Scratch tool will help children to learn concepts with Fun. It will enable them to create many new things on their own. E - certificate will be awarded to the children successfully completing the course. There will be only ten kids in a batch, so that trainer can pay close attention to everyone.