Objective of the Course
To break the initial inhibition that you have towards drawing
Pencil & basics
Tonal values & Spheres
To teach the basics of still life drawing
To teach light and absence of light
To teach you how to create the difference between light and
absence of light in monochromatic medium
Introduce you to oil, sketching
Value derivation & Alla prima
Convert monochromatic values to tricolor
Convert monochromatic values to color
Still life study - single vegetable/fruit study
Still life study - group vegetable/fruit study
Study from real life - SIngle & group
Speciality of the course
Only 8 students per batch, so everyone gets special attention
Practice works only on easel (painting stand)
Materials will be provided
Course completion certificate will be provided at the end of the session
Student will be able to arrange/study the subject on her/his own
About RamyaSadasivam:
RamyaSadasivam is an expert artist in the field of art. She has been practicing art since 2006. Her work has been widely appreciated and she has received many Awards. Few of those are:
Prafulla Dahanukar Award for Kalanand Contest 2016 Tamil Nadu Best Artist 2016
Spandan Best Artist Award, April 2016 (Small National Award)
Prafulla Dahanukar Award for Kalanand Contest 2017 Chennai City Award Best Artist 2017
27 Artpoint Best Painting Award 2017
Camlin National Award Nomination 2016 (National Recognition)
Tamil Nadu Tourism State Level Painting Nomination 2017
Nirmaaan Art Foundation Best Painting Nomination 2017
Artreoin Best Painting Nomination 2017