Beautiful Handwriting Training
Course offered by MAX Academy
5 Avg Rating
1 Reviews
1 Students
3 Courses
Limca Record holder in Handwriting
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Course offered by Suresh Joseph
5 out of 5 1 review
Self-development & Life Skills
"There are many workshops but max is the only workshop which charges affordable fees. Understanding the pain of each and evey parent and also the indians mentality. Dr. Reddy is a person like dr. Thambiah (father of dermatologist) not money oriented but service oriented. He is a rich person but his thoughts are highly richer and sacred. "
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5 out of 5 1 review
Self-development & Life Skills
"There are many workshops but max is the only workshop which charges affordable fees. Understanding the pain of each and evey parent and also the indians mentality. Dr. Reddy is a person like dr. Thambiah (father of dermatologist) not money oriented but service oriented. He is a rich person but his thoughts are highly richer and sacred. "
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