Data Structures:- Data organized in a particular way that can be utilized effectively.
Algorithms:- A finite sequence of well-defined, instructions typically to solve a class of problems or to perform computation.
Why we need Data Structures and Algorithms?
The main reason for using Data structures and Algorithms is it improves the problem-solving ability with efficiency. These will give an efficient way to solve the problem for a backend developer with using minimal resources. In the real world, it matters very much, and the cost will be regulated with these Algorithms and performance will increase exponentially.
Where can we use or implement Data Structures and Algorithms?
We can use Data Structures (DS) and Algorithms in every aspect and every field. The implementation will differ as per the applied fields. DS and Algorithms mostly popular in Programming and IT sector.
Can we learn only one either Data Structures or Algorithms instead of both?
These two play-act like Proofs and Theorems in Mathematics. We may or may not use proofs always. These two are different things in their own way. Algorithms sometimes are and sometimes are not independent of data structures. Certain Algorithms have different complexity over Data Structures.
What are the types of Data structures and Algorithms we are using?
There are many types of Algorithms on the basis of Data Structures. Example: Search, Sort, Insert, Update and Delete.
Are they difficult to use?
Dat Structures and Algorithms are like Theorems in Mathematics. Once you know the theorem you can implement this theorem any where. If you look at direct algorithm programming logic for various Programming Languages, the code of the program is huge and Scary to beginners. Learn the theorem not example. Once you understand the Data Structures and Algorithms, it doesn't matter how to use or how to solve a problem in any programming language.
I am Offering Course for Data Structures and Algorithms. With Simple manner which real-time examples.
Keep on Learning,
Nasreen Khan Pattan