Computer can be defined on an electronic device that accept data, process then at a high speed according to a set of instructions provide to it and produces the desired output. So computer is a programmable machine.
Generation of computer:
Generation means variation between different hardware technologies
1st generation: (1946-1956):
First generation computers are made with the use of vacuum tubes. These computers used machine language for programming.
- Occupied lot of space
- Consumed lot of power
- Produced lot of heat
- Costly system
Example: ENIAC(Electronic numeric integrator and computer).
UNIVAC(Universal Accounting company)
2nd generation: (1957-1963):
The computer in which vacuum tubes were replaced by transistors are called second generation of computers these computers used assembly language for programming.
- Less expensive
- Consumed less power
- Produced little heat
- Less cost and work at higher speed
Example: IBM 7090, IBM 7094.
3rd generation: (1964-1981):
The computers using the integrated circuits came to be known on the third generation of computers. These used high level language.
Example: IBM 370, Cyber 175
4th generation: (1982-1989):
The computers which were built with microprocessor are identified on the fourth generation computers these computers use VLSI chips for both cpu and memory.
Example: CRAY-2, IBM 3090
5th generation: (1990- up to till):
Fifth generation computers are under development stage these computers use ULSI chips. ULSI chip contains thousands of components into a single IC. Aim of these computers is develop the artificial intelligence.
The physical parts of a computer- the plastic, glass, silicon and metal parts that compose a machine. These parts sometimes called Hardware.
- A cpu or central processing unit, which is the brain of the computer, where all the actual computation takes place.
- Main memory, which is short-term storage.
- An input device, usually a monitor or screen, on which the computer displays the results of its computations.
- Secondary memory-long term memory