The best ways to learn something is to develop an interest in that subject. Regardless of the subject try to follow these tips to learn it in an easy way. Firstly whenever you try to learn something you will definitely make mistakes. So try to learn from it. This is actually one of the essential things you must know. Don't take your mistake as a threat, motivate yourself and stand up. Be strong because things will definitely get better with time. It may be rainy now, but it never rains for ever.
The nect important tip you must follow is focus on your goal. Don't let your mind get diverted from that topic at least until you get grip of that subject.
Focus more on your weaker areas. Try to solve the questions from that area. This will make you an expert, as it enhances your capabilty & knowledge in that area.
And the last, one of the most important things to remember while you learn is recollecting. Try to recollect the points at the end of every lesson. This will definitely make you an expert in that sunbect !!
Thank you