When you open Blender, the opening window will show a Cube in the centre, a Lamp and a Camera. This is called the opening scene. It is in Object mode.
Blender is under constant development because of which new upgraded versions are released periodically. The current stable version is 2.91. This has several new features, and the interface and layout have also been changed compared to version 2.79.
All the inputs given here are about Blender version 2.79. I prefer this version since its layout and interface are convenient and easy to learn and use. As one picks up the necessary skills, we can think of switching to a newer version. The change over will involve re-learning and adaptation, which would be easy and worth it.
Now, let us get on with the skills required to work with Blender.
There are many ready-made objects in Blender like the Cube, Cylinder, Cone and Plane. There are many more. To add an object, first, click in the centre of the opening window, which is called the 3D window and press Shift+A. We will see a menu option from where we can select the desired object. These objects are called primitives because these are the objects from which we shall develop all our new objects by modifying their shape, size and looks. Usually, an object can be moved (called translation here), rotated and scaled(make it small or big).
When we want to change the object's shape at a finer level, we must switch to Edit mode. Toggling between Object and Edit mode can be done by pressing the Tab key.
Here individual vertex, edge or face can be selected and operated upon to get our desired result.