Level A2: what you’ll learn
Requirements: You should have finished the A1 level already before starting this course.
If you have started learning German and like to continue improving it, this course is perfect for you. Here you will learn all grammar you need for the A2 level.
The covered Grammar topics are:
- Adjektivdeklination - Akkusativ
- Dativ -Demonstrativpronomen
- Futur I - indirekte Fragen
- Komparativ
- Konditionalsätze - Konjunktiv II
- das Verb "lassen" - Modalverben im Präteritum
- Deklination - Possessivartikel
- Präpositionaladverb - Präteritum
- Pronomen - reflexive Verben
- Relativpronomen - Satzstellung mit Akkusativ und Dativ
- Subjunktionen - Verben mit Präpositionalobjekt
- Wechselpräpositionen
- Wortbildung - Zeitadverbien
Imperfect tense, Nominative, Genitive, Dative, Accusative, Adjective declension, simple Subordinate Clauses, simple Prepositions.
The student has some more knowledge of German. He/she learns how to express him/herself adequately in familiar, everyday situations and to read and understand long texts. Main course topics include: holidays and travel, living abroad, nature and the environment, family, living, the concept of home, news, politics, radio programmes.
- Interesting facts about the German culture, information about German universities and jobs
- Preparation for the writing, listening, reading and speaking part of the A2 German language exam
- A2 speaking session: 50 hours of speaking, Reading and Translations
- Write professional E-mails- practice of 100 Emails writing , And much much more