Address: Defence Colony Sainikpuri, Hyderabad - 500094
Locality: Sainikpuri (Find more Sainikpuri schools)
Landmark: Opposite Military School
Phone: 040-27112561 040-23544934
English Medium
Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan's Public School, JUBILEE HILLS was inaugurated by his Holiness, Swami Ranganathanandaji on 5th July 1979. The Vidyashram is inspired by the ideals and objective of the Bhavan's faith, which stands for their integration of Indian culture, synthesizing the ancient but ever relevant and spiritual values of India adapted to the needs and requirement of the modern times.
Year Established: 1979
Extra-curricular Activities:
Games, Sports, Trekking, Skating etc. are a part of co-curricular activities. The school has a vast ground and facilities for cricket, football, basketball, volleyball and table tennis etc. Matches are held throughout the year between the six houses that compete keenly in track and field events as well. March past and display drills are part of the ceremonial parades held on national festivals.
Activity oriented subjects like Drama, Music, Arts and Crafts make the curriculum integrated and holistic so that educational experience is not confined to books alone. Participation in these extra-curricular activities gives the students opportunities for expressing their talents and creativity. Spiritual activity is a part of co-curricular activities.
The boarders have access to all the infrastructure and facilities available to the day scholars - be it sports or academics. The Boarding House is provided with a television set. Students are permitted to view selected programmes. The school has a good collection of video cassettes. Selected cassettes are screened during holidays through the small closed circuit TV system available. Hot water facility is also available in the Boarding House. Yoga and Geeta Sloka's recitation classes are conducted regularly.
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Sravanthi 26/11/2014
Pramod 25/05/2014
shyam vallabh 20/03/2014
venkat rao m 05/03/2014
sanjay kumar mishra 16/02/2014
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