Address: “Bhavani Campus” No. 6 Kilpauk Gardern Raod , Kilpauk, Chennai - 600010
Locality: Kilpauk (Find more Kilpauk schools)
Phone: 044-26442823 044-26442618
The Vidyashram combines scholastic achievement with character building and exposure to Indian values & traditions. The Vidyashram is not an institution for mechanical transmission of knowledge. A conscious and positive effort is made to develop fully all the faculties of the child, trying at every stage to discover and foster special talents in the child and to reinforce the areas in which the child is weak.
Year Established: 1976
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Upload it now!Very good school and highly discipline oriented.
- by SHIVARAM on Dec 05, 2010this school is no.1
It is a good school. The Principal is kind and generous and helpful.
- by KrishnaRamesh on Jan 24, 2014Thousands of experts Tutors, Trainers & other Professionals are available to answer your questions
Toral 12/10/2014
Soundar 28/09/2014
preethi vijayshankar 19/05/2014
Ashwini Anand 20/04/2014
Ashwini Anand 20/04/2014
Sangeetha ravikumar 27/02/2014
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