1. Outstanding Expectation: Eligible to get Promotion easily and good salary hike. Always preferrable to go abroad.
2. Exceed Expectation: Can get Promotion as per schedule of company with good salary hike. Also preferrable to go abroad easily.
3. Meets Expectation: Those who only finish their assigned tasks on time without any help & delay. Eligible for only normal Salary hike (approx 5-8% only). Rarely to get Promotion or chance to go abroad.
4. Threshold Expectation: Those who always need help to finish their assigned tasks. Eligible for low Salary hike (approx 3-5% only). Mostly not getting any Promotion & chance to go abroad. During Recession period, these are preferrable for firing process
5. Below Expectation: Those who mostly failed to finish their assigned tasks after help as well or mostly delaying to finish their work. Eligible for very low Salary hike (approx 0- 2% only). No Promotion OR never get any chance to go abroad. These are preferrable for firing process any time.