Address: #37 Gopal Lal Thakur Road , Bara Nagar, Kolkata - 700036
Locality: Baranagar (Find more Baranagar schools)
Phone: +91-33-25567500, +91-33-25563817
English Medium
Our School is Provided best Teaching Methord for Our Students. It Is best and good school in our Area.Our School learn about honesty, fairness and respect. Barangar Ramkrishna Mission Centenary Primary School In West Bangal is Happy And Safe Environment Under The Personal Supervision Of Qualified And Experience Teachers. We believe that children in the pre-school age group have a far greater desire.
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Tapati Sen 19/09/2017
Santosh 27/05/2016
Suvranil 21/03/2016
Ritam 30/12/2015
Vijay 14/12/2015
Arpita 25/11/2014
Biplab Kumar 06/08/2014
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